Originally Posted by Singbird
Then we have the inventory, the wonky targeting, and probably others. I don't understand why Larian is so anti-usability. But I'm also reasonably confident that in time we'll have all of this and more, when we just keep complaining.

I think saying Larian is "anti-usability" is going a bit far, but I agree with your basic point. My take on the alpha/beta is the devs have focused almost entirely on balancing gameplay according to player feedback - and although you can't please all the people all the time, they ended up spending extra time flip-flopping (a bit) on some gameplay aspects. But although quests, combat, loot, etc. are the "core" entertainment drivers of any RPG, if they're packaged in an interface that's less than user-friendly, the entire game experience suffers.

Don't get me wrong - as I've posted elsewhere in this thread, Larian has clearly been listening to our UI feedback, as seen in the slight improvements made with each update. I'm just a little disappointed that - considering some critical inventory/character management fixes that have yet to be made, and that have been standard in other RPGs for many years - this area doesn't seem to be much of a priority for them. But these hard-working folks have pulled off great things before. Here's hoping for more progress on the UI with patches (or in some cases... mods).