Good god, this thread is already seven pages long and still no response from the devs? I'm beginning to think that contradictions in their statements mean that romance in the game shares the same history of several reiterations as leveling up system. Like, maybe they were planned at the beginning, but later removed or changed into some other system.
Still, I see that romance feature is in high demand here as well, as it is sort of expected now from any western rpg, big thanks to BioWare rolleyes . So it would be a shame if this demand is not met in D:OS. No comments from devs is kinda baffling, though suspicion. This is not a crazy BioWare forum, devs, there won't be any angry screams about cancelling preorders or other such nonsense if you say there are no romances in the game. And to anyone who might do this I can only say this - not playing such a fun game like D:OS just because there are no romances is the silliest reason you could possibly name, get over yourself.

Last edited by Aramintai; 24/06/14 08:58 PM.