Originally Posted by LeBurns
Originally Posted by Tanist
Originally Posted by LeBurns
Also it looked like some of these things gave bonuses, which I really don't like as now it seems I'll be making choices to get the right bonuses as opposed to just RPing my characters. frown

Did you expect to role play and min/max stats equally? What is the point of role playing then? It kind of defeats the entire point don't you think? It is like a person playing a Paladin in D&D and then complaining that they will lose favor with their God if they steal from someone.

Basically you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Well no, that's not what I meant exactly. To be honest I don't understand the mechanics behind it yet, so I don't know how or if it will affect game-play choices.

But there is the issue I have that if doing something a certain way gives a bonus in something my character needs, then there must be someone that thinks the type of character I'm playing needs to be doing that. But who is making that decision? What is it based on? Again I really need some details on the mechanics of it all. Maybe if we ever get a manual it will be clarified what is actually going on there.

The game allows for many types of approaches. What I think you are worried about is not going to be much of an issue.