Thanks for letting us know smile

Seconding Stabbey's important question: How many companions are planned and how many are in at release?

I don't doubt that many, if not most people would consider the game complete enough to want to play ASAP, though personally I will wait for the AI personalities. I have looked forward to those since the kickstarter as a core feature of the single-player experience; it is imo the feature that makes the co-operative dialogue system so special in single-player, and reminiscent of P&P gaming with friends (especially because sometimes friends act like they have artificial intelligence ;-)

I have read people saying it is also fun to roleplay both protagonists but I'll save that for potential future playthroughs. I want my first one to be single player and as special as possible - I have been avoiding the beta and spoilers with an iron discipline to make it so. An RPG like this one comes along... well I have never looked forward to a game so much so I will wait.

I don't mind waiting and make no judgements about development priorities or anything as I am not in a position to make an informed one (ie I have no idea what caused them to miss release).

That Murphy sure gets around, I know him well wink

p.s. This has done little to reduce my near critical mass levels of hype and excitement for this amazing game. The editor stream almost broke my resolve...

Last edited by Robcat; 28/06/14 01:49 AM.

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig