My 2.

Freakin love that someone made a TB coop game, period.

Larian is a great developer, very open to us. To me their history has always been time and money, meaning if they had more of each, we'd have this game another 6 months from now, polished perfectly and with all promises, it would be released as their Opus. But time and money is a factor to most. I'm sure they are hoping and we are to, that D:OS will put an end to Money ever being a factor to Larian games being released in the future.

I'll fire it up Monday, play it some but not too hard, keep an eye out for reports, if it stays relatively clean I'll venture forth. I don't hold this against them, but when you are developing to the last possible moment that isn't ideal, they've come a long way as we were able to enjoy and witness, but this all goes back to time and money now. I look forward to further improving the UI, the little odd quirks that happen in game, tweaks, balances and quests we haven't even seen yet being cleaned up. I will hit up the Editor asap to see what we can do with the main game, to see what personal touches are possible, any game that allows me to mess with mechanics easily, A++ in my book.

There is a lot of buzz for this game, it's been growing steadily recently. I'm not sure I've seen a Larian game have so much momentum on release. Hope it bodes well for them.

Shout out to all devs who have made turnbased games lately. I'm not sure I've played a bad one. From Xcom to Blackguards to Shadowrun to Paper Sorcerer to Banner Saga to MMX to Desktop Dungeons to Dungeons of Dreadmore and several other Rogue likes and I'm sure a couple other TB games I missed mentioning. What was once long ignored (or very 8bit'ish offerings) has imo now become the golden era, as a collective lot this is better than back then.

There are like 4 Isometrics in development currently, all going for the BG/Torment spirit, my gut is saying right now, D:OS will be known as the best one once we get to look back at all of this, the MP and Editor will be the difference.

Last edited by Horrorscope; 28/06/14 04:20 PM.