Wow, what happened to this thread?

To quote the OP (emphasis mine):

Originally Posted by Gyson
I think that might help players make informed decisions about whether they want to start playing on the 30th, or wait a bit...

This is a perfectly reasonable request and moreover, helpful, regardless of how important a particular feature might be to an individual. People are also perfectly entitled to express some disappointment, though I would hope they can keep things in perspective. Apparently not on Steam so much? wink

I thought people ITT were generally very reasonably discussing the situation and asking for some clarification and an ETA on planned work, so as to plan their own time if wanting to avoid forum spoilers and managing their future playtime.

Thank you for the response Swen smile


It is quite right to emphasise the scope and quality of D:OS to put things in perspective. A game is not merely a feature list but something far greater than a sum of its parts. There is a profound gestalt to a cRPG like this, a grand artwork in my opinion and the soul of Original Sin is very strong even without AI personalities or additional companions.

I'm sure Swen also understands why companions may be a significant part of forming that gestalt in a cRPG for some, and why AI personalities may be so highly anticipated in the dialogue system too.

From a backer's perspective we don't know the difficulties they encountered when implementing these things and the process of development remains largely shrouded in mystery, no matter how insightful we might imagine our armchair development analysis to be.

From my perspective, I was always willing to wait as long as it took. Larian have obviously determined what they consider the optimal release date for them (considering budgeting, contracts, sales climate, team fatigue, time required for additional work etc etc etc) and I don't mind at all. Mostly because I do not know of another RPG game company that I trust or admire more. Original Sin looks to be an astounding achievement, and while a full assessment of its merits will resolve in the fullness of time, I can honestly say I have never been more excited about a game's release or enjoyed following its development so much.

This has been something very special to feel a part of and I treasure it.

In perspective, the 'missing' AI personalities and remaining companions are not a big deal at all because they ARE coming. Yet it is perfectly reasonable for people to ask for an ETA.


Swen, thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Regarding an ETA, you could just say, 'We can't give you even a rough guestimate because we simply need a break before re-assessing everything" and I'm sure most people would understand. Or at least they should.

I can wait as long as need be and I trust you can see why I might want to do so.

Last edited by Robcat; 29/06/14 12:30 AM.

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig