Originally Posted by Elenoe
then don't post is as a statement if it's just point of view (not even opinion).

Uh...no. This whole idea that an opinion cannot be posted as a statement is absurd. Yes, everyone could add "in my opinion" or "as far as I'm concerned" (or whatever) to everything they say, but that would be a huge waste of time. Everything everyone says is "in their opinion." Why should they have to state it outright?

Originally Posted by Elenoe
As an opinion it would be easily invalidated by practical example of Skyrim, XCom, X:Rebirth atrocious controls compared to other games actually meant to be controlled (like SC2).

And, as I said originally, "if done properly." Reading is hard.

Originally Posted by Elenoe
Gamepad controls can be better in only very rare cases.

You forgot to add, "in my opinion."

Originally Posted by Elenoe
Gamepad is more convenient. That's where its strength is. Not in good controlling ability of anything.

You forgot to add, "in my opinion." At least be consistent with your own arguments.

Last edited by mbrown3; 30/06/14 05:32 PM.