Dear Larian Team,

I'm one of the people that fall under #4. I gave away my alpha/beta keys. I thought it would be a good thing to do to promote a game that I thought was going to be amazing, to promote a project that I was supporting with my money.

You said that the keys would expire:

You made it look like giving them away was a good idea:

And then you suddenly changed your mind and decided to keep the alpha/beta Steam keys.
And I couldn't get my two GOG keys.

The end of it is that I sat here yesterday waiting, seeing the different Steam issues being resolved and then being told that I have to wait until today for my problem to be worked on. In the meantime I could have watched Swen playing D:OS in Twitch while I was not able to play the game I supported, the game that already had my money.

I'm really sad that this is the way you decided to treat this issue, I'm really sad that you didn't go the extra mile to solve the problem (that you caused by changing your mind about the keys) yesterday.

Best regards,
Piran Jade