Originally Posted by My name is Shar
Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
Anyone notice the GOG version of Original Sin is only going to be 6.4 GB as opposed to Steam's 10GB so what gives? Where's the difference coming for? We're talking of a whooping 3.6 GB extra and that's not the game tool either seeing as that's a separate download. Also what's the deal with the GOG release of the game tool. I am really not in the mood for any more surprises so speak up Larian because so far it's been nothing but kick in the balls after kick in the balls without warning for GOG and DRM-free users.

My friend. You should have noticed by now that the road to DRM-free expirience is wrought with problems and it's usually hard.

In a world of money and free trade, Steam has i would believe a very large portion of the market and it's only natural any developer would be interested to relesae in Steam first and foremost.

GoG's pricing policty might even not give developers a better cut (who knows they doh't have the rates public, aka what percentage GoG or Steam gets from selling one copy of your game)

So yes, i wouldn't expect they release first on GoG and delay steam.

Still, i want my GoG copyyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaarrrrrrggghhhhhhh

You can use GOG option on the DUO copy if you are stuck with the promise of eventually being able to trade the first one. Once you have Original Sin on your GOG shelf the GOG downloader works and you can download the game that way.

Last edited by Darth_Trethon; 01/07/14 02:11 PM.