Originally Posted by Fanest
so ur-OP saying that crouching is a proper way to sneak around lol, just lol, Larian is the first who actually made sneaking believable

A way to make sneaking believable would be to take an NPC's line of sight as well as the amount of light in an area into account, so that it is simply impossible to sneak past someone in a brightly lit area. A lot of work of course, but this isn't believable, it's a joke... and not a particularly clever one.

Originally Posted by Madkat124
I absolutely love it. When I first saw my character turn into a bush and tip toe around I died laughing.

Seriously? I don't get it. I think it's the sort of thing that could maybe be funny once in a cutscene or something, but to have it be used every time I want a character to sneak just makes me roll my eyes. This isn't a cartoon, I was hoping for an immersive CRPG. Definitely looking forward to someone modding this silliness out of the game if Larian doesn't do it themselves.

Last edited by daveyd; 01/07/14 02:49 PM.