Originally Posted by Tanist
Originally Posted by Phenomen
Last time I created this topic mad fanboys just destroyed me with curses.
I really hope some mod will fix it soon. Totally immersion breaking and not fun.

Then... they hung you from a tree and set you on fire!!!

Cool Story!

Though unfortunately such a ruse doesn't work as people can easily click on your name and find your stealth thread where no such attacks or curses took place. In fact, I don't think people gave you personally much thought at all. The bulk of the thread was of people commenting on how they liked the animation as well as one of the devs talking about the fact they would be expanding on the bush idea into other things.

You go ahead and play the victim though. I mean, the only reason people disagree with you is because they hate you right? /boggle

"!The tone/tune makes the music", as people usually say (at least here in Germany). I haven't followed this discussion you mention, but I could imagine responses so subtlky worded that they were in fact attacking him, but without any detectable "attack" because of the subtle wording. I think you have never read true dioplomats speak or write; those are the masters of subtle attacks through words !

The other way round was him being so sensitive that he was far more affected by the public's words than the public could sense; because - usually - the public consists of not sensitive people at all. I've seen real concreteheads in forums.

Anyway, those lovers of that ... sneak animation had won in the end.

For an old school game I had rather expected TRUE sneak animation - but it seems that those with a rather cheesy hhumour had womn in the end - yes, I don't like this animation either, even although I acknowledge its message.

Try to imagine the fanmous Thief games with the protagonist using the sneak animation from :DOS !

And if you don't know these games - well, then : Gotcha ! wink

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

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