I think when you play the game immedietely its clear larian likes pranks as much as stories, even the beginning the guards you meet are drunk, you can talk to rats and crabs, the wizard likes pretending to be a cat, some guy is trying to drug a woman orc into his. You have skeletons talking about how weird it is to be bone. People making jokes about Cecil's "Might Staff". The bull is a fortune teller. And this is just the start!

Personally I love this kind of pacing, when its dark and serious its really serious and when its funny its really funny. I also think the bush thing is more realistic than a guy shitting and pretending he can't be seen, especially if the bush is outside of line of site, but a guy squatting is a lot more obvious to me. The only question in my mind is where does the bush, rock come from?

I think a great mod would be one where you can use IN GAME OBJECTS as stealth objects, there are loads of empty boxes, barrels, etc. It would make a lot more sense to be able to use them for stealth.

Apart from D&D I can't think of a great RPG that doesn't have some ridiculous hilarious elements.

I mean in Ultima, the creator is actually IN THE GAME as LORD BRITISH, uh chocobos, cross dressing, blitz ball? in Final Fantasy, note the best final fantasy have humorous bits in them, 12, 13, 8, 9 are notably more serious. I'm sure chrono trigger piss taked a few things. Fall Out, the jokes are everywhere. Zelda? Secret of Mana? Especially D:OS is a harkback to the era of SNES/DOS RPGs, and a lot of those games took the piss out of themselves. Reminds me of those point and click sorcerer games, and a bunch of other stuff I don't remember anymore. King's quest?

It's funny because it kind of nails on the table top dungeon master improvisation thing which can often be very funny. I mean this is the kind of magic that's vanished from RPGs long ago.

Games need humour to break off the seriousness, that's why the best game have funny/relaxed bits I think. I think modern games can't do that because the super realistic graphics means anything too stupid would really look out of place, the isometric presentation of D:OS allows it to get away with a lot of stupid thing,

again we should bear in mind D:OS is meant to be a homage to the old CRPGs in many more ways than one + this larian guy seem to really like the prankish stuff and is just his style and makes D:OS more original than other games old and new.

Last edited by Major Legend; 01/07/14 11:50 PM.