This is my Spec :-

Intel Core i7-3770 4x 3.40GHz
GeForce GTX 660 OC 2GB
Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit

Am using older drivers 335.23 (due to a glitch playing wildstar and this driver fixed the issue)
Am running at 1600 x 900 (60HZ)
Getting 100 FPS Full Screen(capped it at 100 via Afterburner) in the first town you come across.
Card running at 41% usage
running game in ULTRA

and like Horrorscope my i7 is using most of it's cores/threads.

Did try and take a screenshot of the FPS but for some reason it doesn't work,just comes out black.

Last edited by Avorniel; 02/07/14 04:46 PM.