Originally Posted by daveyd

I'm just honestly surprised there are so many people here who like it. I expected indifference, but not people loving it. I guess I must be getting old as over-the-top humor doesn't appeal to me anymore. Until it's modded guess I'll just be avoiding sneaking as much as possible.

I don't think it has anything to do with age. I'm on the wrong side of thirty-five and I actually appreciate the light-hearted approach of Divinity. If I wanted full immersion I would still be playing Skyrim with the wife, house and beautiful sunset. I'm just surprised that people don't have enough self discipline to enjoy a game for what it is and not bitch about the tiniest discrepancies. I guess I'm just getting too old to put up with the tantrums of children.

Your Rose Colored Spectacles of Nostalgia appear to be cracked. Maybe it's time to look forward to something.