Originally Posted by Oathed
Rather silly imho, and detracts from the immersion for those of us who actually want to play pretend and not just play a game.

To each their own. I'll be the first to pay for a mod to make it go away. I'd rather just a grey-ed out crouching tiptoe animation or no sneaking at all.

But I respect those who like it. Just like I respected the hell out of Xxlolarthasninjaxx when I met him. Then I walked away.

Then let's leave it this way. Instead of asking Larian to tone down their imagination... you can all just wait to have your 'offending' materials removed by the community.

But I for one wouldn't dream of getting rid of it, and would feel if were it to be taken out, that a large portion of it's charm and appeal would be removed at the same time.

The animation is very much indicative of the flavour the game is trying to relate and I feel that it's a breath of fresh air.