Originally Posted by SniperHF
Thanks for being super productive. Instead of mocking people with legitimate complaints maybe you should just ignore it since it doesn't affect you. Instead of coming here and telling everyone to "deal with it".

Larian made a choice to change the plan last minute with 0 communication until the day of. They deserve criticism on this. It's not an issue of GOGs lack of mobility.

You're misunderstanding me, I'm not "mocking" people with legitimate complaints, I'm telling them to take a breather before posting things like "f&#@& Larian" which in my opinion isn't constructive.
I'm saying, give Larian some time to fix issues for you which I do think is constructive.
I'm going to give Larian the benefit of the doubt here and say that they also didn't want to change plans on day 0 and would have loved to have a smooth easy roll-out with no issues. I think you can agree with me that Larian didn't change plans on a whim or without the best interest of the community out there.
With the term "deal with it" I'm talking about deal with the amount of time it takes stuff to fix, not that your issues and problems shouldn't be addressed in a timely fashion etc.

Also you keep saying Larian isn't communicating. If you check the kick starter they are communicating which folks have also re-posted here, if you check this thread they have communicated. Lots of folks posted that they have had responses to emails they sent to Larian.
If you are looking for a mass communication then sometimes there isn't something to communicate because things are still developing and everyone's issue can be a little different since the change so there isn't a one answer fits all they can post here, or that answer would simply raise more confusion (i.e. that D:OS will only be available in August where users were confusing Galaxy with D:OS)
Could things have been better... yes definitely... it's also a live and learn situation for Larian.

Last edited by Garod; 03/07/14 06:14 AM.

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