Originally Posted by bargeral
So was Larian Vault officially removed as an option?
Yes, Sven explains why here.

As for the GOG launch, it seems fair to say both Larian and GOG should have done better. Larian was slow on the keys (and initially messed up on the DVDs before offering a proper DRM-free option) while GOG's decision to limit D:OS to backers only pending their Galaxy launch was daft (and may have lost them as much as 1,000,000€ in sales if Eurogamer's figures are right, assuming GOG could have picked up 20% of them). GOG also had broken download links and a limited range of extras (not even the manual to start with).

However their problems seem to have been fixed - a full range of extras (including the Source Hunter DLC, artbook, design notes and soundtracks) are available (though only to KS backers at the moment) and people who choose GOG won't have to deal with an insecure client connecting to a compromised system, losing paid content due to account suspension or region locking. So no, not everything is greener in Steamland...