Originally Posted by oxxgen
In this thread Icedragon posted another workaround. Maybe this can help you.

Originally Posted by Icedragon
If i turn any of the sliders down, i get echo when people are talking, my wourkaround now is to set all the sliders to max and then use the windows soundmixer to lower it.

Edit: Tested it and went for caves, then I teleported myself back to the first town. Icedragon's workaround works very well (better than my one). I highly recommend testing it yourself. It perfectly solves the problem without much effort.

Edit 2: After around 3 hours of playing, the echo effect bug starts getting hearable again. Not much of a problem though.

This worked for me too, surprisingly enough. Really appreciate it, the echo was getting on my nerves after well over 10 hours of play. =P