Warning Potential Spoiler if you havnt completed this sequence.

QUEST "Investigating the Mines"
STEP "We found a magic mirror network and escaped the Death Knights. Now, how do we get out of here?".


I've exited/escaped fine.. and I've travelled around the world, used the waypoint system, etc. Nothing sets this trigger properly. I'm assuming it would have opened a continuation of the main quest line at the end of the world but I'm now completely bugged and have to stop playing.


A redditor helped me out. Turns out I ignored an area and escaped without something i needed.

However, this is still probably a bug because the quest trigger is telling me to escape, and I did escape, then nothing happened.

WHereas the quest trigger should be telling me to get an item + escape. Thanks reddit.

Last edited by Lucky5hot; 04/07/14 02:23 PM.