Joined: Jul 2014
Honestly what were you thinking? The game is not difficult it plain cheats. I have played Baldur's Gate, NWN, and every other game like this and I have yet to see one so poorly done.
The game is not just difficult it cheats, the AI is saving against everything, I am saving against nothing, even leveled, with points in defenses. I am permanently CCed, I am missing attacks with 77% or better chance to hit 75% of the time. r
You can click the ground next to an enemy by MISTAKE so easily its not even funny, your character will walk around wasting movement points. The game is atrocious as it is.
I am going to call off my friends on buying this one. Not sure what happened during development but this is really really terrible.
When you buff up enemy saves....I mean wild hogs....resisting every CC imaginable....mages NEVER getting physically knocked down...when you do this is breaks the game in every believable way. It becomes a point where the abilities and skills DO NOT WORK!!
And it only is a big insult when the AI can pull off every spell with no way to miss or have a failure. This game is downright horrible. I cannot begin to express by frustration and disappointment at this game. Good lord I am going to write steam about this one.
Joined: May 2014
Wow man. I had some trouble in beta but nothing like what you're experiencing.
I don't think the game cheats. I've made plenty of saves against poison, knockdown, stun, etc. And I've had plenty of luck in knocking down enemy mages, soldiers, etc.
What is your party made up of? That could be part of the issue you're having. Some parties are going to have a more difficult time than others. Maybe you need to adjust yours to fit your playstyle.
Also, if you're clicking on the ground by mistake and moving I think you're playing to quickly. The cursor has a noticeable change when you are going to execute any kind of attack. A little patience is probably called for here.
Joined: Jul 2014
Seeing as how this "issue" isn't echoed elsewhere on the board, maybe your game is experiencing bugs?
Also, a part of the strategy is preventing the AI from ever being able to CC you in the first place...
Joined: May 2013
That's right, go ahead and blame the game for you failing to play it.
Fact of the matter is that your arguments hold no water when literally thousands of people are doing just fine.
Maybe you might want to consider investing some more into the primary stat relating to the skills you want to use to increase their chance to work. Every rank in willpower or Bodybuilding gives about 10% resistance to its listed effects, if I remember right.
The game doesn't cheat if you're playing on normal, it just uses its normal balancing. Which in itself is supposed to be fairly harsh and force players to think a bit about how to tackle each and every encounter. Easy cheats in your favour while Hard cheats in the AIs favour.
Not that the game is without its faults, buuut... Blame the player, not the game...
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: May 2014
That's right, go ahead and blame the game for you failing to play it.
Fact of the matter is that your arguments hold no water when literally thousands of people are doing just fine.
Maybe you might want to consider investing some more into the primary stat relating to the skills you want to use to increase their chance to work. Every rank in willpower or Bodybuilding gives about 10% resistance to its listed effects, if I remember right.
The game doesn't cheat if you're playing on normal, it just uses its normal balancing. Which in itself is supposed to be fairly harsh and force players to think a bit about how to tackle each and every encounter. Easy cheats in your favour while Hard cheats in the AIs favour.
Not that the game is without its faults, buuut... Blame the player, not the game... I'll echo EinTroll here. The game has issues, but they're not the issues you're experiencing.
Joined: Jul 2014
Honestly what were you thinking? The game is not difficult it plain cheats. I have played Baldur's Gate, NWN, and every other game like this and I have yet to see one so poorly done.
The game is not just difficult it cheats, the AI is saving against everything, I am saving against nothing, even leveled, with points in defenses. I am permanently CCed, I am missing attacks with 77% or better chance to hit 75% of the time. r
You can click the ground next to an enemy by MISTAKE so easily its not even funny, your character will walk around wasting movement points. The game is atrocious as it is.
I am going to call off my friends on buying this one. Not sure what happened during development but this is really really terrible.
When you buff up enemy saves....I mean wild hogs....resisting every CC imaginable....mages NEVER getting physically knocked down...when you do this is breaks the game in every believable way. It becomes a point where the abilities and skills DO NOT WORK!!
And it only is a big insult when the AI can pull off every spell with no way to miss or have a failure. This game is downright horrible. I cannot begin to express by frustration and disappointment at this game. Good lord I am going to write steam about this one. Mad Cause Bad.
Joined: Jan 2014
The game is not just difficult it cheats, the AI is saving against everything, I am saving against nothing, even leveled, with points in defenses. I am permanently CCed, I am missing attacks with 77% or better chance to hit 75% of the time. r That's how chance works, 75% is not equal to 100%, however your mind think it is. That's how psychology works you see a quite high chance of success and therefore you expect it to succeed and get frustrated and feel cheated when it doesn't. Actually there are studies of this and iirc the majority of people expect a 75% chance of success to succeed >95% of the time. When you buff up enemy saves....I mean wild hogs....resisting every CC imaginable....mages NEVER getting physically knocked down...when you do this is breaks the game in every believable way. It becomes a point where the abilities and skills DO NOT WORK!! I frequently knock down enemies, not all the time but often enough, don't know what you are doing wrong. And it only is a big insult when the AI can pull off every spell with no way to miss or have a failure. This game is downright horrible. I cannot begin to express by frustration and disappointment at this game. Good lord I am going to write steam about this one. Try spend a few points in Body building and Willpower.
Joined: Jun 2014
I've misclicked once or twice, and agree that "hitbox" detection could be tweaked a bit. I've also noticed some enemies being curiously resistant to status effects, but for the most part I've been getting good results on knock down, burning, freezing, and slow. I don't think any of these "issues" are game breaking.
Joined: Apr 2013
Topic is absolute trash - what were you thinking?
Just try to understand the game mechanics before you insult the developer. If you're not good enough try harder or play on easy.
Joined: Jun 2014
there is one thing i can agree with: its really easy to click behind an enemy on accident wasting X AP.. but everything else is just luck. Enemys resist alot of CC but not everything. Same goes for the Party.
Joined: Sep 2009
lol. "I am going to call off my friends on buying this one." "Good lord I am going to write steam about this one." Very easy to understand you are either a troll seeking attention or a 13 year old brat expressing frustrations for being terrible at a video game. You did make me smile tough, thanks 
Joined: Apr 2011
Maximum resist an opponent can have is 50. So if your knockdown has 50, it will 100% fail... if however you use the 110 knockdown instead, you suddenly have 60% chance.
Nothing to do with cheating, all to do with reading the log and properly playing the game...
Joined: May 2013
That's right, go ahead and blame the game for you failing to play it.
Well, this game doesn't have a controller, so he can't blame that.
CPU: i7-4930k, Gfx: EVGA 950, RAM: 16GB DDR3-2133 (quad channel), OS: Arch Linux
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jan 2011
Good lord I am going to write steam about this one. TIP: Save the time, it won't do anything. They have games that have been abandoned in EA and they do nothing about it.
Joined: Apr 2013
Options -> Game -> Difficulty "Easy"
There you go.
Joined: Jul 2014
I've had a few instances where I click through an enemy. It's usually when they do a sudden animation as I click 'em. Hilariously, one enemy with the Weak status seemed like he actively ducked my curses when I went to click. Metagamin' punk enemy! But really, if you're having issues targeting enemies, I suggest slowing down and watching their movements to avoid it. Best solution, though, is to just hit B and flip to the top-down camera with highlighting. Way easier to target and stuff. 
Joined: Mar 2013
Options -> Game -> Difficulty "Easy"
There you go. That might hurt his ego. Can't have that in the "Participation Trophy" generation.
Joined: Mar 2013
Maximum resist an opponent can have is 50. So if your knockdown has 50, it will 100% fail... if however you use the 110 knockdown instead, you suddenly have 60% chance.
Nothing to do with cheating, all to do with reading the log and properly playing the game... Some would argue there is no wrong way to play a game, that every decision should result in success for the player because that is what "fun" is. I don't subscribe to that school of thought, but as I said, some certainly do and in my opinion, it is that line of thinking that has resulted in bland games that lack challenge or thought.
Joined: Jun 2014
Joined: Jun 2014
Strange post from the OP. It seems like you haven't take the time to understand the game mechanics. The first time I played, I had very bad fights and I was crushed by AI. But I took time to read the tooltips and to find fights that are the same lvl as me.
Having played 44hours now, I have yet to find the AI to "cheat". It will "cheat" if you try to fight a monster 2 or 3 level higher than you, which really by reading your post - it seems like this is what you are doing. Perhaps the game fail to show you correctly that a higher monster level is a big difference.
This game is really not like Diablo where you can turn your brain off. You need to read and think of what you do.
For the missclick where your char move isntead of attacking - I admit this is annoying. You need to quicksave (F5 key) often. Sad really for a turn base game. But avoidable.
My first 3 hours of the game I was not really happy with the game. But after a while the game kicks ass.
Last edited by Etdashou; 04/07/14 05:15 PM.
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