Joined: Apr 2014
You know, the sheep's cheese and similar ambient banter. I find it genuinely annoying. This is odd because it's very much in the style of Baldur's Gate, and I loved all the banter there ("me temper's bad enough, without ye botherin' me!"). Maybe it's just too frequent?
Joined: Jul 2014
Maybe it's the voice, I know I can't watch certain dubbed shows/movies because of voice pitch and such.
Unfortunately, unless you turn voices off, there isn't much that can be done about it at this point in time
Joined: Jul 2014
huge thread on this already but yes, it literally repeats every 15 seconds...when you are at a vendor doing inventory management it can drive you insane. I had to take off my headphones lol
Joined: Mar 2011
I think this should have been resolved already? From the v.1.047 patch notes: -Fixed the repeating voice problem that drove everybody bananas -Muted banter voices while in dialog or trade Link: http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=230230I only played a little then and was not much in town but I thought it was reduced now....
Joined: Jul 2014
I don't think frequency of the banter is the complaint here, it's more like the voice acting hertz the ears 
Joined: Jan 2014
huge thread on this already but yes, it literally repeats every 15 seconds.. Either we have different definitions of the word "repeats" or you like to exaggerate by a factor of four.
Joined: Apr 2013
You should have listened to the banter before the patch, it was even worse, it didn't even mute while in dialogue or bartering.
Joined: Apr 2014
I think the voice acting is pretty darn good, so that's not it (for me personally). I thought a bit more about it and I realized that most banter in BG2 did not originate from any NPCs; it was just background banter, such as the shoppers at wakeen's promenade which sounded off in the distance somewhere. In D:OS however if you are near the NPC it will sound right in your face, which is very disruptive in places such as the Cyseal market where you're surrounded by the chatty lil' buggers.
A better solution might be to only trigger banter if the NPC is far enough away from the player.
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