I don't have a Ranger, I have a Dex character instead. The advantages are immense.

Often I'll open with a bow in hand these days, ricochet or charm (ranger). Sometimes though I've got a dagger in there because combat is starting close up, allowing me to use both charms before anyone acts and turning 2 enemies to my side.

After that I've still got 4 or 5 methods of control, reasonable (not great) damage in melee or the option to sit back away from the ice and fire covered battlefield and pick off the enemies with my bow.

A fireball might hit 5 mobs for a lot of damage, but a dex char can teleport behind 1 mob and take them down in a single round.. or have two attempts to CC them from his varied selection.

If you only take the best 4 characters and don't think bout the best party, you'll find yourself in trouble when the monsters are immune to your damage output!