Originally Posted by rhymesmatter
Songbird...If you find weird that people expect deep character development in any kind of form (including romance) then maybe you don't even grasp the meaning of RP...A few lines??? mate you might as well be one of those morons that play WoW and don't even bother to read a quest but rather see the reward and press accept. Scroll down to the choice and be done with it..People that love to invest into their games and characters find those few lines as you call them as meaningful as killing a horde of mobs and reaching a boss fight. And the fact that you expect from a romance subplot to be interconnected with gameplay for it to be meaningful is so sad that i want to reach out to my lcd screen touch your username and say there there...

Most games that include romances give you consequences for your romantic decisions. I am a fan of romance in those kind of games. Like I said, in this game, romance doesn't change your party composition or affect your game ending. If you are not looking for some "romantic" cut scenes and just want some dialogue, then the game already delivers since there is dialogue of a loving sort in the game.

Since you seem to be a champion of RP, why not RP. Make up your own dialogue while playing and play your roles. Even 3 year olds know how to play make believe. And on the subject of RP, I think your two protagonists being too busy writing love poetry to each other than stopping the cultists trivializes the gravity of the world saving quest that you are on.

But, hey, romance is the epitome of game depth, right? Lets start a petition to turn D:OS into a dating SIM because I can't wait to get to setup Madora with Captain Aureus.