Originally Posted by Aramintai
Originally Posted by Mitosuke
Originally Posted by Aramintai
Originally Posted by Mitosuke

There was no hidden wall...

So let me get this straight - you actually managed to throw the pyramid up the stairs? Where exactly did you throw it, because the stairs are blocking everything for me. Make a picture if you can.

Well I guess the fact that the character I used has 6 points in tele (thanks to gears mainly), she could throw further than a 'normal character'. I threw it further than the stairs. It's impossible to throw it on the stairs itself so I tried further from it. I'll try to reproduce it with screenshots later unless you manage to do it too.

Hmm. Interesting. I'll definetly try it out later. Make a pic nonetheless.
For low telekenisis - is it possible to put a pyramid into a container of some sort, or just throw it by itself with a strong character and then teleport to it? I've seen Madora throwing stuff very far.

Okay dunno why the image will not display here, so here's the image link instead. http://i.imgur.com/pzYdQjD.jpg?1

Last edited by Mitosuke; 07/07/14 11:35 AM.