To start with i might say that me and my friend spent some time playing that awesome game and we have not experienced such fun for a long time. Great job, Larian!
Also I'm sorry for any mistakes ive made in this post, englando is not my common language.
So what i wanted to ask is: dont you guys think that dagger-based hero is a bit underpowered? We are playing HARD difficulty, keep doing pretty smooth. I'm playing as a scoundrel/witchcraft (mostly scoundrel, got witchcraft for some buffs/debuffs and a skeleton which does almost the same damage as me sometimes, lol) while my friend is playing some elemental based mage. I made a comparison between him and me, so:
While having more CC than me he is able to output more dps also, as well as its aoe and ranged while i have to be in the heart of battle and taking damage aswell.
Most of my gears are of orange quality and perfect for my stat/skillbuild (like one-handed masteries/dexterity/perception etc)as well as daggers are improved by grindstone and i have a couple of them to counter the enemys element, while he got no good drops at all and dont even need staff damage. Now ive got 5 in one handed mastery (2 + 3 from gear) which is +50% one handed damage. So if the enemy is not a skeleton type which are highly resistant to daggers - the highest damage roll i could do (w/o 50% dmg buff from witchcraft) is 70x2 with critical strike and backstab (not sure how it works but seems like about~25% more damage and some critical strike chance from the rear) to a single target. While (not sure how these skills are called) poison spill and fire blast could do the same damage or even more to a big group of enemies, not the single target).
The moment weve encountered Twins-by-fire-joined ive had that ring that grants me an ice shard spell which dealt 160-200 damage to any enemy there from 15 meters, while dagger did about 20-30 damage to these skeletons, which were 2 shotting me with their claymores (about 150-200 damage with each hit, while the damage is fire, not physical, so my friends armor buff didnt work).
Another thing is my invisibility have 10 TURNS cooldown, while mage have 2 turns cooldown invisibility. WHAT? theres no logic here as scoundrel have to be that sneaky asshole, not the mage

Also ive been using bow/xbow from level 5 cuz elemental arrows are easy to get/craft and they have more profit than a singletarget dagger crap. Arrows have AOE CC, free elemental damage of your choice which can be either aoe or single target. And i feel like playing with bow having no passives for it than using my dagger with lots of gear and skills for it. I wonder how much damage 2-handed based hero and native bow users can dish out. =_=
Yeah, i know the thingie that daggers are 2ap/turn, but still lets see - first town is mostly skeletons/well armored mobs, so the average 10 ap dagger turn us: 2ap to get to the rear, 8 ap are roughly 4x(20x2)= 160 damage (to some kind of armored archer with load of defence, which CANT be reduced by dagger but CAN be reduced by bow =_=)while i can use poison cloud + explosive arrow which is 5+5 AP and deal ~200 AOE dmg.
Not sayin that smth is overpowered or underpowered, but i just wonder if i'm doing smth wrong. I feel squishy with 20-50 elemental resistances (w/o res potions which i have), improved orange armor/orange helmet/bracers/shoulders/boots/leech perk. while having less damage then ranged classess and my pet skeleton. maybe i'm supposed to do smth else? crowd controlling with 2 single target stuns so far, or what?
Yet again sorry for that unreadable cryrage (which is not as i'm enjoying that game more and more), but answer me if you feel the same or not, i'm up to listen to any opinion, ty ALOT!