Joined: Feb 2014
Joined: Jul 2014
Good news for sequels and expansions.
Joined: Jun 2014
It deserves all the praise it gets 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jan 2011
Good news for sequels and expansions. We all have our reasons keeping this a top as long as we can!
Joined: Jul 2013
yay congrats 
Joined: Jun 2014
Hoping for more Divinity games, maybe a Divinity 3, but wouldn't mind if Larian got the chance to work on somthing else too. Maybe a sci-fi game.
Last edited by Madkat124; 07/07/14 03:16 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
on metacritics it is among the highest rated pc games of all time now. user ratings (the ones that matter!) last time I checked it had 500 votes and an average score of 9.3 THIS is a statement from the fans guys! http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/divinity-original-sin
Last edited by Wildeskind; 07/07/14 03:20 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
I'm a bit surprised to be honest, that even for my region it is the #1 selling game on Steam even 2 weeks later. DOS is a niche game but for it to garner excellent reviews and solid sales is unexpected, i'm extremely happy for Larian and the CRPG genre. I hope this will be the turn around for the future of better games and passionate developers. Looking forward to more magic from Larian.
Joined: Feb 2014
When this game is working its magic. When I save and it crashes(still) no so much. However, I'm actually playing with a smile on my face for most of the time. Love it to bits.
Joined: Jul 2014
Yay for #1!
Last edited by Songbird; 07/07/14 07:21 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Some unorganized comments:
-Try looking at the most helpful user reviews on Steam. Here's a fun game: drink a shot every time you load another page of reviews and do NOT see any red. Stop drinking once you see red--you win. If you can win the game without passing out... you've a far stronger gut than I.
-DOS is not the highest-rated (userscore) of all time on metacritic. Only the highest-rated new release (games released in last 90 days). It's still pretty high up there on the all-time list, but it's closer to being in the top 30 or 40.
-For kicks I checked out the handful of negative user reviews on metacritic. Most of them are people who literally only signed up to write a negative DOS review, and nothing else. The acts of spiteful competitors? Clearly, it's not the work of people who care about games.
-DOS' success seems to be coming purely from word-of-mouth. As far as I can tell, Larian has ZERO advertising budget. Hell, most of the big gaming sites haven't even reviewed the game (yet?), nor have most of the big youtube personalities. The big Wasteland, Torment and Eternity kickstarters may have demonstrated that countless gamers still want classic-style CRPGs.... but Original Sin has demonstrated that we still LOVE them.
Joined: May 2004
-DOS is not the highest-rated (userscore) of all time on metacritic. Only the highest-rated new release (games released in last 90 days). It's still pretty high up there on the all-time list, but it's closer to being in the top 30 or 40. If you exclude games that don't have many raters (ie less than 50 or so), D:OS has the highest user-rating of any PC game in the last 5-6 years. But yes, not all-time.
Last edited by Fireblade; 07/07/14 07:19 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
I have to say, i really understand it. Original Sin is really Awesome and definitively ONE of the best RPGs the Last Years... but even so, i hope we will get a prequel for Divinity 2, because that`s still my favorite of the Divinity Series. Maybe they can work on Divninity Series like Nintendo with The Legend of Zelda, which get frequently 3D and Isometric Zelda Games =) Maybe we can get 3D Divinitys like Ego Draconis and then like Original Sin. I would love to see that!
Beside: I don`t care about Metacritic... even if it was really bad rated i would love Divinity Original Sin!
Joined: May 2004
Didn't Swen, at some point, essentially say that the only reason Divinity 2 was a third-person action RPG is because they were forced into it by publishers? Maybe I'm wrong about that, and someone who follows things more closely will correct me if so.
Creating another game like Divinity 2 would probably require a AAA budget (many times D:OS's) which would require a console version, which would require a "next gen" (meaning Xbox One / PS4 compatible) engine, etc etc. Whole thing would probably require a publisher too, since you'd need the AAA budget upfront. From what Swen has said in various interviews, I get the feeling that's not a road they're particularly interested in going down again.
Last edited by Fireblade; 07/07/14 10:07 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Congratulations developers
Joined: Jul 2014
Joined: Aug 2013
Go, Larian! Go, D:OS! hopefully this is only the beginning!
"I don't make games to make money, I make money to make games". (Swen Vincke)
Joined: May 2013
Meowmic Republic of Sin
Joined: Jun 2014
Didn't Swen, at some point, essentially say that the only reason Divinity 2 was a third-person action RPG is because they were forced into it by publishers? Maybe I'm wrong about that, and someone who follows things more closely will correct me if so.
Creating another game like Divinity 2 would probably require a AAA budget (many times D:OS's) which would require a console version, which would require a "next gen" (meaning Xbox One / PS4 compatible) engine, etc etc. Whole thing would probably require a publisher too, since you'd need the AAA budget upfront. From what Swen has said in various interviews, I get the feeling that's not a road they're particularly interested in going down again. When Larian talks about D2 they don't really seem to be happy with the game.
Joined: May 2004
Which makes sense, because while it was still fun, it was nowhere near the game that DD and D:OS are - although I guess LightningYu disagrees.
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