Originally Posted by dreyk

That's just not true. I'm playing with exact this setup and my shadowblade has the ability to crowd-control (stun, blind), buff (desecration), kill (i can backstab an orc to death in one turn). And he also runs fast (fast track + talent). Oh and he summons armored skeletons. I have no AP penalties, I do have change penalties due to low attributes but they are only up to -10% which is negligible.
My cleric is a buffer/debuffer +offheal. She also cripples targets for Madora to kill (with bully talent) The only thing she lacks is AP but I'm working on it

So the hybrids are fine. Of course a pure mage can master 3 or all the elemental schools with ease, but still shadowblade is more then viable

And btw Loremaster is also a useful skill: try hovering your enemy with Ctrl pressed: the amount of information you get depends on Loremaster

This guy is right, "hybdrids suck" is horrible advice, all classes are much better even with just a couple skills from another class.

Ranger + Fast Track + Cure Wounds
Mage + Fast Tack + Tactical Retreat
Warrior + Heals/Lightning Strike + Charming Touch
Rogue + Tactical Retreat/Lightning Strike + Cure Wounds

Literally every class is much stornger mixed than pure.

Last edited by Falcus; 07/07/14 01:06 PM.