I'm not sure but I really think that the homestead is severly bugged in my game... frown

I'm on level 17 (almost 18) now with over 65 hours into the game (with is quite much because I know Cyseal by heart from my 30 hours into the beta) and I completely cleared Cyseal, Luculla Forest (+mines) and Hiberheim and I also got to Hunter's Edge and solved the Knight's Tomb. I own EIGHT inert stones and TWO blood stones, which means 10 star stones in total. Nevertheless Zixzax never opened a new portal (the fifth) in the Homestead for me again in the last 20-25 hours into the game with several new stones collected. The last one was the forth portal where you could choose an element. He never opened the fifth portal where I'm able to respec my chars.

I think I've possibly triggered this "bug" because I've entered Phantom Forest too early. After that the Homestead gets attacked and maybe that's the reason why Zixzax doesn't respond to me and my newly found inert stones anymore...

People always told me that I should wait for more stones and some told me that that the fifth portal was opened for them with only 5-7 stones in their inventory. If I've missed something, please let me know. If that is just "normal" and ten stones in total are not enough to open the fifth portal which enables respecing my chars I think it would be a bad design decision. I mean what would be the point in offering the respec option so late in the game with supposedly more than 2/3 of the game already over?

Anyone else made similar experiences?

Last edited by LordCrash; 07/07/14 04:27 PM.