Pixel hunting? ALT! Problem solved.
As for good puzzles... the 'clone dungeons' very early near Cyseal come to mind

Or would you disagree on those too. If so, I would like to know why.
Esmeralda's was easy if you loot all anyway... *AND* the rats tell you about it... *AND* you already see it when you're down there (unlike secret areas in most RPG's). How much more handholding than that do you need?
Also I find it humerous that you say 'why so many trapped areas' and then compare the game to Baldur's Gate. That game has traps coming out of your nose. If you didn't have a rogue, you would be in for a hell of pain. Think Durlag's Tower in BG1 for example... and then look here and see; It's not that bad...