Joined: Jul 2014
Sign up for tomorrow's course on logic, in which the differences between the following will be discussed: - Promising to have X in the game when it is done as part of your effort to secure more financial backers.
- During development showing that you have started working on X.
- Releasing the game without X, but with Y, which you thought worked better given the story and the available development resources.
And enjoy the side discussion when #3 is discussed, on the wisdom of doing this without notifying the backers before or at release, but leaving them to wonder what on earth happened to the missing X when they play the game.
When I said death before dishonour, I meant it alphabetically.
Joined: Jul 2014
I wonder how many people complaining here were actually kick starter backers?
I bought the game in early access because I liked the game as it was, not for its theoretical components. I supported the end product, not the project proposal document.
While it would be nice if everything proposed came to fruition, I don't feel victimized or deprived by the absence of some
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
When exactly do you reach these dungeons ? I'm around level 11 looking for life in the land of winter and don't think i've seen any large dungeons yet but large and dungeon are all relative 
Joined: Oct 2006
The Knight's Dungeon, the Inner Sanctum (Temple of the dead), the Druid Dungeon(Alchemist) were originally all part of the mega dungeon but when we realised we were never going to make it at the density level we aspired to, we decided to modify their function. We have the other parts of the dungeons on our HDDs but they're not that much fun so we decided not to include them. As I said before, it's a game, not a shopping list and "Killing your darlings" is an inevitable part of any production as is shifting priorities.
I think there's more than sufficient content in D:OS as is. There certainly is more than we planned for and I hope people do realise just exactly how easy it would be to construct a few extra boring dungeon levels just for the sake to living up to the "letter of the law". Or maybe we could have cut up some of the existing dungeons and split them in different levels. We opted not to do that because we thought it'd deteriorate the game and tbh, didn't consider it a big deal. A lot these resource shifts had to do with implementing other feedback we got during the beta which we thought was more important. You may agree or disagree with that, but it's one of those things developers sometimes have to do. I certainly don't regret making other areas more dense and adding more freedom at the expense of these dungeon levels. Fine that explains why it's not in release. But is that means it's canceled? I believed Kickstarter rules are rather strict on that and fully in favor of pledgers. Ie a product not fully delivered can be requested for a refund. So I wonder is this 10 levels dungeons totally canceled or not? Not that I'll bother request refund, but if I don't have my pet soon I don't know. 
Joined: Jun 2014
4. Kirill gets his own orchestra- in, but half of music in game is either from Divine Diviniy or Divinity 2 (it's best in-game music I've ever heard, but it's still nothing new...).
Apparently Kirill got sick and couldn't finish composing the music is what I heard
Joined: Apr 2013
We wanted Larian to make a great game for us, and that is exactly what we got. They did a great job with the limited budget. I am satisfied and proud to be a backer. 
Joined: Apr 2013
We wanted Larian to make a great game for us, and that is exactly what we got. They did a great job with the limited budget. I am satisfied and proud to be a backer.  Ditto for me, too.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
I agree. The takeaway from all of this should not be that we demand that they implement everything they had proposed in the stretch goals even if it isn't feasible, but rather that Larian uses this as a learning experience to manage the goals better in the next Kickstarter. I'm sure Swen has already learned a ton through this experience, and if Larian did this well on their first, I suspect the next will be even better.
Joined: Jun 2013
We wanted Larian to make a great game for us, and that is exactly what we got. They did a great job with the limited budget. I am satisfied and proud to be a backer. Agreed. While its a little sad that we won't see it I thoroughly enjoy the game for what it is and what it offers. To me the bonus Kickstarter stuff was just a bonus. It would of been nice to see it (maybe one day we'll see it in another form later on) but it wasn't needed or required to make a great game.
Joined: May 2004
I too am bit sad we wont get the mega dungeon. That being said i do understand that if it was not working the way they wanted it there is no point in having it and people complaining it is boring or broken.
Joined: Mar 2013
If it means more work had gone into the towns then I'm happy. Not a fan of megadungeons anyway.
Joined: Jul 2014
I think there's more than sufficient content in D:OS as is. There certainly is more than we planned for and I hope people do realise just exactly how easy it would be to construct a few extra boring dungeon levels just for the sake to living up to the "letter of the law". I disagree, the content in D:OS is good enough for a weekend warrior, casual gamer. To those of us who actually play video games you have a lot of work to do, in terms of content, sir. If it's so damn easy to make some "boring dungeon levels" then why didn't you do it in the first place, like you said you would? SMH, what the hell is wrong with people these days? You're damn right you should strive to live up to the "letter of the law", sounds like to me, you're making up excuses for your laziness!
Joined: Jul 2014
I disagree, the content in D:OS is good enough for a weekend warrior, casual gamer. To those of us who actually play video games you have a lot of work to do, in terms of content, sir. Oh no you can beat the game by sitting down and playing it 16 hours a day for a few days in a row. Just like every other single player / co-op game that has ever existed ever. D:OS actually has a startlingly high amount of content, especially for a game that came out in 2014. You know, since we're in the age where casuals can beat campaigns in 5-8 hours on their first try. If it's so damn easy to make some "boring dungeon levels" then why didn't you do it in the first place, like you said you would? I think the keyword here is boring. They don't want to make something that's boring. They want every part of the game to be good so you don't walk away and go "Man this part was great, but that part really sucked and detracted the overall value of the game!"
Joined: Mar 2013
Op how much did you kick in? I kicked in 20 bucks and I can't recall the last time I got value like this for my money. Hell, a Big Mac meal at McDs these days is almost 10 bucks with tax. If they get around to it, cool, if not I'm still more than happy for what I spent.
Midget Soothsayer robs Bank! Small Medium at Large!
Joined: Jul 2014
5. Henchmen become companions: I've only Jahan with me (plus generic thief) as companion, but he's hardly most immersive companion. Hell- he doesn't even seem to be bothered by fact I'm striking a deal with Moloch, even though he's happy with imp slaughter...
Moloch is Moloch, wait till you meet a real demon.
Joined: Mar 2003
Who needs Megadungeons nowadays ? Play Blizzard's Action-RPGs instead, they've got Megadungeons ...
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Apr 2013
It would be cool if down the line they added it in as a "thank you for helping make this the number one seller for ages", but now Workshop upload is available I'm sure modders will make a mega dungeon soon enough.
Joined: Dec 2013
I do hope that we will see a big dungeon at some point. But so far I cannot say that I really miss the dungeon.
What I am looking forward to is the mods that will come out and hope we will have a livley modding community, the tools look good so we could see some fantastic stuff.
Also I already spent 71 hours with D:OS that is so much more so far than 90% of all the other RPG's that have been released in the past 10 years. I have not had that much fun with an RPG since the old times of BG2 and Planescape Torment so I recommend for everyone to just enjoy the game.
On a side node, I just explored a bit around the crafting system and I love it. Now I have a mage that wears plate armor has 55% blocking and tanks like a boss while rocking armageddon from above.
Joined: Apr 2013
A megadungeon just for combat without much story involved is imo a perfect project for a MOD... 
Joined: Apr 2011
I think people probably need to point their eyes to Obsidian and Pillars of Eternity's 14-layered dungeon. Personally I find it a waste of time, am worried about it being the worst part of the game and wishing instead of such a dungeon they expanded the game otherwise a lot more though... 
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian