i dont have a clue what the op is talking about. On hard i personally found cyseal quite harder than the rest due to low lv and low amount of skills.
In the Wood, i just explored as much as i can, you can go to the village, explore the area, check the map.. you know STUFF! i ended up with a small trap-riddle on the worldmap where i accidently found the spell for the witch cabine. THere you have it, the spell is just few clicks besides, otherwise just kill the mushrooms to lower the barrier.
Whats so different about that????
I decided to save the witch first in the realm that follows, after i returned the whole luccala forest was a piece of cake.
But go on, uninstall the game just because it turned out that its ACTUALLY imbalance and unfair even on easy just because you play bad or lazy... Its totally their fault lol
Last edited by Actionhanz; 08/07/14 07:24 PM.