braccus rex's personal belonging is opened via a key bracus drops, the other chest called the chest of the souce king ( intended typo ?

) is opened by a magical unlock scroll( the spell itself comes only in scroll form)
NOW : at this point in the game you could get a magical unlock scroll from arhu's place , but if you used that on the harbor storage door , don't despair...
With a crafting of 2 ( no less and NO HIGHER either) you can craft it with a few easy to find materials ( 3 cyseal vendors that sell mats needed for this on a constant basis and reset on level up >>thelyron but at this point he's not available, the market seller of air and water scrolls, the captain of a ship in harbor )
Crafting of 2 can easily be taken from gear starting level 7 when the belts start to appear on vendors with that stat and bracers even before that so 1 from belt 1 from bracer....
Crafting goes as following (thank god to ivra and angry dave for this ):
needed materials :
1 inkpot ( found in the tavern where the potion vendor is, francis he is called and he's talkin madness bout revelations and such)
1 quill= ( pillow from most beds + knife = feather ) + knife
2 or more pixie dust( at mats traders or threadweaver from end of time or craft it from mortar pestle stardust and bones/skulls)
1 or more blank paper =[( axe +log =woodchips )+water barrel=mush ]+ forge
and then you use the above for
1 inkpot and quill= inkpot + quill (doh')
1 magic inkpot and quill = inkpot and quill + pixie dust
1 or more blank witchcraft scroll = any note/parchment/blank paper + pixie dust // OR YOU could get lucky and find one blank witchcraft scroll in book cases or mats vendors
and then finally RAndom witchcraft scroll = blank witchcraft scroll+ magic inkpot and quill ( it's going to be random, so save, create, you get what you want good, not? reload , IF you are peckish and dont want to abuse... use more blank witchcraft scrolls and you'll get it eventually ) GOOOOOOD LUCK and no more QQing ok ?

P.S : wrote all this while savescumming on the chest drops haha , anyway chest drops seem to be following for me (characters level 10 and 1 lucky charm point ): 1 guaranteed legendary drop close to my level( 9,10 level loot) ,1 guaranteed skillbook, random essences ranging from 0-3 pieces, random flowers, random blank skill books 0-2 pieces so far, other random stuff