/sarc on

Hello, my name is Ted.

I want to discuss a problem I have with games and how I think they can be made more fair so people can have fun playing a game. After all, isn't a game all about having fun and everyone should be able to have fun all the time when they are playing a game!

My problem with gaming systems is that I make a party that I want to play and I tailor that party specifically to my style only to run into severe issues later in the game. My problem is, when I run into an encounter, that encounter is not tailored to fit my style of play. It doesn't consider how I designed my party and the manner in which I want it to be effective. I think in order to achieve "fun" in play, my time shouldn't be wasted with having the chance of encounters that will cause my party extreme difficulty.

So, my solution is to have the game look at my party makeup when I start the game and then design every encounter in a way that allows my party to be ideal for the encounter. This way, I am able to enjoy the style of play that I like according to exactly how I like to play the game. Again, games are about fun and entertainment, not situations where I may get frustrated due to the choices I may make or the results of chance within the game. Chance should not exist, everything should be designed to maximize my fun.

So if you would please put in such a tailoring system soon, I would much appreciate it Larian.

Thank you,


/sarc off

Last edited by Tanist; 09/07/14 02:02 PM.