Joined: Jul 2014
Hi all,
I am actively looking for a version which includes a DVD and manual, but does not require Steam or an internet connection.
I absolutely refuse to buy games on Steam, and I only buy boxed copies of games nowadays.
Steam has no regards for customers, this distribution platform should be closed down for their disgusting policies. It is almost like a store run with a new form of dictatorship.
Meanwhile, I have pirated the game. Until Larian release a DRM-free version which includes both a DVD and a manual they shall suffer sales.
Bubba Buddy
Joined: Apr 2013
Hi all,
I am actively looking for a version which includes a DVD and manual, but does not require Steam or an internet connection.
I absolutely refuse to buy games on Steam, and I only buy boxed copies of games nowadays.
Steam has no regards for customers, this distribution platform should be closed down for their disgusting policies. It is almost like a store run with a new form of dictatorship.
Meanwhile, I have pirated the game. Until Larian release a DRM-free version which includes both a DVD and a manual they shall suffer sales.
Bubba Buddy You dare to DEMAND something from Larian in that tone??? Get the fu... out here ASAP. There is NO justification for piracy. If you don't like what they offer you just have of to go without. Period. God, how I hate entitled trolls like you. Please do every other gamer a favor and guit gaming altogether. And be assured: nobody wants a customer like you...
Last edited by LordCrash; 09/07/14 06:15 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
No matter what a boxed version of the game will always need an internet connection if you want to keep the game updated to the latest version.
That said good luck getting sympathy openly admitting to pirating a game that many of us spent an age hoping would come bringing back the golden age of RPGs. In order for more games like that to be released however they must be profitable and your pirating hurts that.
In short, up yours.
Last edited by Muz333; 09/07/14 06:16 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Steam version is DRM free once you have downloaded it. Of course you'll need to use steam to keep it updated, but if you don't want updates then you can just uninstall steam and the game will work fine.
Joined: Jul 2014
Ok, I am not trolling. People don't realise how bad Steam is, they almost defy every existing consumer right.
People buy games on it and are constantly abused, by being banned, accounts being deleted for "suspicions" and no refunds being issued.
Corporations own you, it is time to act now. And developers like Larian, who I love, are non-the-wiser to put games on this Orwellian gaming distributor.
"For Big Brother Steam we must spend. Steam loves us, it told us so, and it can do whatever it wants to us." Meanwhile, based in Luxembourg for tax-evasion purposes (like Amazon and many more in Europe).
I really want to buy the game. I wish there was simply a boxed version with manual which I could just put in the drive, install and play. I will download updates separately on site, thank you.
Joined: Jul 2014
and btw, by owning a physical copy no policeman or law enforcement agent can come to my house and destroy it. It is not so with digital copies...
Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
It is a bitter irony that the main reason why DRM exists is because there are people like OP...
Joined: Jul 2014
The only ban you can receive on steam is for online games. When you receive this, you are simply unable to join anticheat servers (VAC for valve games) of that game but can otherwise play everything to its full extent. Or servers could choose to ban you from them for whatever reason they want, but you can still join other servers. accounts being deleted for "suspicions" and no refunds being issued. I've never heard of steam deleting accounts for anything other than the account owner asking it be terminated. "For Big Brother Steam we must spend. Steam loves us, it told us so, and it can do whatever it wants to us." Meanwhile, based in Luxembourg for tax-evasion purposes (like Amazon and many more in Europe). Valve is based in Washington state. You know, in the US. The only real problem with steam is the inability to get refunds or trade in games, but that's something that doesn't bother everyone. And for the people it does bother it lost that in court over in Europe and is being forced to add such systems to it. Get your head out of your ass. If you don't like steam, okay whatever. Hating it for things that are just blatantly false isn't reasonable.
Joined: Apr 2013
Wow, another one of those entitled criminals who think they can justify their actions in any way... People buy games on it and are constantly abused, by being banned, accounts being deleted for "suspicions" and no refunds being issued.
Well, this year is my 10th anniversary on Steam. I had ZERO problems and I contacted support a dozen times. I bet a huge chunk of those bans and account deletions is absolutly justified (yeah, everybody will claim that they are innocent, usualy they aren't)
Joined: Jul 2014
Tyhan, you show how the common customer is misinformed. What you write is what most consumers regard as "common knowledge" therefore will not question Steam policies. They seem fair.
Valve Europe offices are based in Luxembourg. Google "Luxembourg Taxing laws." There is a whole legislative purpose to Valve having offices in Luxembourg, in order to overcome consumer rights and taxing laws. This is why the recent scandal over Amazon and other big companies in Europe, inviting them to "Pay their taxes like everyone else."
Steam can block access to your account at will, they do not need a reason. Once blocked, you won't be able to use your games anymore. This is essentially like deleting your account.
With that I'm done replying to you Tyhan because there is no doubt you will continue to defend Steam senselessly. The fact you write "Valve is based in Washington US" already speaks miles about your own egocentrism and how you think America is the centre of the world (without even considering the European side of Steam which accounts for at least half of the sales).
Last edited by NoDRMforMe; 09/07/14 06:50 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
and here come the Steam loving brigade. Do you even realise how wrong the world we are living in today is? Companies trying to control your gaming experience? Where will this end?
Joined: Jul 2014
Steam can block access to your account at will, they do not need a reason. Once blocked, you won't be able to use your games anymore. This is essentially like deleting your account. You can still play all your games without access to your steam account. For some of them this means losing online features. It's a failsafe installed to let you play even without an internet connection. With that I'm done replying to you Tyhan because there is no doubt you will continue to defend Steam senselessly. The fact you write "Valve is based in Washington US" already speaks miles about your own egocentrism and how you think America is the centre of the world (without even considering the European side of Steam which accounts for at least half of the sales). Yes, because the world revolves around a tiny european branch that exists purely to keep systems running for an American company based in the US. That is how life works.
Joined: Jun 2014
Well, what I did is that I bought the GOG version and I'm going to burn it to a disc, print a label on the disk, print out the manual and stuff it all in a DVD box with this box art I whipped up for myself. Stick that on my shelf with my other custom cases. ![[Linked Image]](http://i.imgur.com/N2ixFRM.png)
Joined: Jul 2014
I might actually do that now Kriss, nice idea.
Joined: Oct 2013
Steam takes serials gives me auto updates and downloads *and* shuts up when I want it to... so it's an infinitely superior store clerk compared to the real ones. Also it doesn't drop my packets in the rain in front of my door without ringing despite me being at home... nor does it ship broken discs or laughable CE editions.
The age of physical copies is very nearly over.... if you are not jumping on the last wagon the game train leaves without you. And at some point you have to ask yourself whether you are a gamer or a flamer ;P
Your post (OP) could have been written 11 years ago when HL1 (worse, CS1.6) transfered from WON to Steam.... I actually have a deja vue right there...
Ps.: I rather have corporations own me than governments.
Joined: Jun 2014
Well I can tell you it's worth it, at least for games on GOG, you get the full proper installer no hassle, DRM free, you get to choose your own box art and it's wonderful for games that don't get physical releases any more, it's a little costly, but it's less than the difference of actually buying a boxed copy. Also here where I live we get these terrible cardboard boxes on a lot of releases and those both look ugly and stand out like a soar thumb on my shelf.
Joined: Jul 2014
OP, you're an admitted criminal. And since this likely isn't your first/only time, you're a felon. As such, your vote and opinions are irrelevant. Get lost.
Joined: Apr 2013
and here come the Steam loving brigade. Do you even realise how wrong the world we are living in today is? Companies trying to control your gaming experience? Where will this end? And here comes another self entitled guy who thinks that he is more intelligent than everyone else... Nobody likes self-entitled and dogmatic missionaries, dude. Get out. We don't need or want you here. We are clever enough ourselves to make our own decisions how we buy our shit. We don't need you to judge on us. Especially not if you really think that you had a right to own a product just because you don't like the way it is offered to you. What kind of weird logic is that? It's not even logic at all, it's deeply flawed egoism at its finest. So don't even try to crusade against Steam here with your "I am more important, more intelligent and more entitled than everyone else" philosophy bare of all logic. Visit the GOG forums or whatever if you have a such deep desire to crusade. Likely you'll even find more likeminded people there anyway...
Last edited by LordCrash; 09/07/14 07:17 PM.
Joined: Mar 2013
Hi all,
I am actively looking for a version which includes a DVD and manual, but does not require Steam or an internet connection.
I absolutely refuse to buy games on Steam, and I only buy boxed copies of games nowadays.
Steam has no regards for customers, this distribution platform should be closed down for their disgusting policies. It is almost like a store run with a new form of dictatorship.
Meanwhile, I have pirated the game. Until Larian release a DRM-free version which includes both a DVD and a manual they shall suffer sales.
Bubba Buddy The copy is DRM free. Steam just handles their updates. That is why any idiot can "hack" the game. It is because all you have to do is take the copy out of the steam folder and copy to any place you like. Being a self admitted pirate, you would think you knew your head from your arse concerning the technical aspects of things. Now if you want the patches, well... you can use steam or you can use GoG.com with their updater. You go on and stand by your principals though. I mean, your like a pathetic script kiddie who tries to act like they are a real hacker. All you are is some technically illiterate moron who justifies their piracy. I swear, its like people keep getting dumber with more technology.
Joined: Jul 2014
You dare to DEMAND something from Larian in that tone??? Get the fu... out here ASAP. There is NO justification for piracy.
I think there is, actually. From the time when i paid insane amount of money for complete piece of shit which was Dragon Age 2, I nearly always first pirate the game, play ~2 hours, and then decide to uninstall or buy. Don't want to make that kind of mistake again. From my point of view, that kind of "piracy" is pretty justified.
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