Originally Posted by NoDRMforMe
and here come the Steam loving brigade. Do you even realise how wrong the world we are living in today is? Companies trying to control your gaming experience? Where will this end?

And here comes another self entitled guy who thinks that he is more intelligent than everyone else...

Nobody likes self-entitled and dogmatic missionaries, dude. Get out. We don't need or want you here. We are clever enough ourselves to make our own decisions how we buy our shit. We don't need you to judge on us. Especially not if you really think that you had a right to own a product just because you don't like the way it is offered to you. What kind of weird logic is that? It's not even logic at all, it's deeply flawed egoism at its finest.

So don't even try to crusade against Steam here with your "I am more important, more intelligent and more entitled than everyone else" philosophy bare of all logic.

Visit the GOG forums or whatever if you have a such deep desire to crusade. Likely you'll even find more likeminded people there anyway...

Last edited by LordCrash; 09/07/14 07:17 PM.