Originally Posted by Shaki
Originally Posted by LordCrash

You dare to DEMAND something from Larian in that tone??? Get the fu... out here ASAP. There is NO justification for piracy.

I think there is, actually. From the time when i paid insane amount of money for complete piece of shit which was Dragon Age 2, I nearly always first pirate the game, play ~2 hours, and then decide to uninstall or buy. Don't want to make that kind of mistake again. From my point of view, that kind of "piracy" is pretty justified.

This is pretty much legit, if no demo is supplied, I'm not gonna make a blind purchase based on neither pre-release marketing materials, or (the generally payed off when it comes to AAA games) reviews.
I bought Original Sin without testing it first because I wanted to support Larian and because they have not let me down in the past. Honestly I don't see myself ever having to pirate to test in the future though, the AAA industry is so far gone, that I don't even want to play their games to test them, unless there's some really good reason to, which there hasn't been for a long while now...

Last edited by Kriss; 09/07/14 07:24 PM.