OP, how is your pirated version any different/better than Steam? For both you needed to connect to someone elses server and download the game.

Now the Steam version offers a ton that your pirated version can't like updates, community, not having to deal with cyber criminals, customer service (what is the customer service policy from your pirate site like...), etc.

Arguments like OP's dumbfound me. Non-Internet only games all work without Steam (after activation). Try it. Shut down your internet and try and run the games they will work unless the game itself requires the Internet (developers choice). They will also work without Steam so if Valve bans your Steam account/id the games will still work (again unless they are Inet required).

You can dislike Valve as a company or Steam as a service that's fine. Use the alternate services like GOG, etc. Or is every company "disgusting".

Your post says more about you than Steam, Larian or the game.