Originally Posted by LordCrash
Which would be? A client is a client and you yourself declared that DRM. I don't see which other "DRM policies" are forced by Steam on the customers...
Well, of course, but that wasn't the point. The point was that you mean that a software clients don't have any benefits. wink

The questionable account closures (and while you're right - CDP could close the GOG down any day, yet, guess what wink - it has no precedents similar to those of steam), customer service quality - it's a policy of not giving a * in far too many cases, unjustifiable demand for system-level rights for the client.. Do I really have to repeat all this what has been said on these forums already?

And that wasn't my point, kind sir. My point was that this particular client has many unaddressed issues and offer serious ways of applying DRM to a game which gamedevs foolishly go for. If a client allows me to download games, applies autoupdates on my request an keeps me informed about a game while allowing me to play this game without launching it at all - I'm all for such a client

Seek your own truth. Always.