Originally Posted by Hiver
You two shouldn't represent your own personal devolved superficial thinking as truths.

I don't think they did.

Originally Posted by Hiver

Neither of those things are tedious or clunky.

Some of them definitely are.

Originally Posted by Hiver

This is not about any kind of superficial notion of "charm" either. You only leaped to grab onto that term because it diminishes the actual role of these things into some sort of personal preference and implied nostalgia - which is all crap you want to push in as relevant.

Where's all this coming from?! The game already runs on nostalgia! Your points about why something should NOT be changed are run on nostalgia!

Originally Posted by Hiver

Where in this sentence is the internal coherence and consistency of the setting, the story, the game and its specific gameplay? Where is the importance of the world and characters in it compared to those cheap metagaming desires of two spoiled, devolved lard-asses?

"When you know you can rip the arms off a person, you do not need to be an internet tough guy."


Originally Posted by Hiver

How does one character identify items others are holding exactly?
How does one character fixes all items at once?

Oh come on! They stand next to each other, point and ask. They throw stuff on the ground and say "Fix this."


Originally Posted by Hiver

Doesnt matter, right? BECAUSE YOU SAY SO! Lets just push the whole party into a blender and remove any individuality from any of them, because some joebart says thats better and not so laborious. And because some biodrone who thinks ass deffect 3 is a great game - great - not good, not even ok, (and that would be a laughable, extreme karma destroying thing to say) but GREAT RPG no less - would think this would be less "tedious and laborious" to him personally and his opinion is great because he can think.

...Right now I'd suggest you should go get some air. Fast.

Originally Posted by Hiver

Its not enough that such psychological failures distorted a whole genre into a flood of always the bloody same games, but you need to come here and turn it into that same crap. Bit by bit. Not because youre evil... but because you are just that limited and ignorant.

I'm not so sure HE'S the ignorant one...

Originally Posted by Hiver

Quality of life improvements? What the flying fuck do you mean by that?
Whose life?
What quality? How is that an improvement of anything and why should anyone care what you just "think" about any of that nonsense?

....And there you go raging again like a twelve year old.


You aren't twelve, are you? wink

Originally Posted by Hiver

What "options" does any of this "give" ? Option to you to get your way?

Options to make the game more playable, less like an excel-sheet.

Originally Posted by Hiver

Is there anything at all behind those declaratory empty statements except vacuum of your heads?


Originally Posted by Hiver

btw, there is no chance in hell that you will get most of those wishes, especially 19 and 20, any time soon, if ever. Because the game is done. Its finished. You will only get patches, fixes and smaller corrections.