You are a very silly person
Originally Posted by Mrrockitt
It is OK to pirate a game because you don't like Steam? How is that a justification!

Like it or not, Steamworks is DRM, Original Sin doesn't use the Steam DRM so it's fine, but for games that do, it's uncomfortable.

Originally Posted by Mrrockitt
Also, the thing about pirating a game to try it out for a few hours and then you'll buy it, why would you do that? Where is the desire to pay for it when you already have it for free? Can't see this happening.

Not my fault you think that way, it's a fact, if someone enjoys a product they have a higher chance of buying it. Stupid consumers buy blindly, smart consumers need to know what they are buying, simple as that.

Originally Posted by Mrrockitt
I also cannot see how any file sharing, copyright infringement or piracy can ever benefit the media or arts? Bottom line is, if you are not buying a piece of software/music or film where is the reward for those making such items financially to justify future projects?

Look here, this is a FACT, this isn't someone saying they do it and expecting you to believe them. I myself used to pirate in order to demo, I am sorry, but games aren't movies. When the publisher does not supply a proper demo version, I will pirate their game before buying it, I am not an idiotic consumer, I do not make blind decisions.
Here are some articles on the topic, seeing as you've chosen to be blind and ignorant and still assume that your opinion is a valid one:

Bottom line is this:
If you make a good product, piracy will drive sales up, if you make a bad product, you will NEVER lose sales due to piracy. Piracy is and always has been a win - win situation, the only reason you have the views that you do on the matter is because you've chosen to believe Hollywood executives who have absolutely no understanding of how the modern world works and their entire knowledge of business is still stuck in the 1980's.

Last edited by Kriss; 10/07/14 10:18 AM.