I can understand why some people would feel that ( its an ok ending but make those endings make more sense -less hope baiting)
But i am very much against that solution simply because how larian advertised this game. Choice mattering. 17k endings.
They put so much effert into every little thing the player does and The game world reacting to it. And they did an amazing job with it in almost* every part of the game regarding that in player choices. Its a beautifully built game world that reacts to you. But
To have a singled out origin character. From the get go. -hopebaiting or not- have no way to positively change their fate or complete their quest line out of 17k endings? That just doesnt feel good. Its so ssooo out of place.
And honestly if they decided to NOW go the route of removing inconsistencies after weve all beat the game and seen all the ways we shouldve been able to help her. Just to double down on those 3 endings?

Thats when I would lose faith in larians writing team.
Im fine with a *well done* tragedy. But not in a game like this...and not now after seeing how lack luster her questline is.
Personally i think karlach NEEDS things added to her questline. In order to properly complete it. And to have a option where she is fixed