Kriss, you make valid points.

However, I'm not remotely interested in Hollywood Executives, there are very few films coming out of Hollywood that i would ever want to watch, buy or pirate.
What I am talking about and perhaps should have explained more clearly is the harm that piracy does to the smaller compnaies and individuals. Thousands copying the latest blockbuster will do little harm to a massive compnay but thousands copying a game made by an Indie develper cannot possibly encourage them to make more games!

If you can genuinely say that you pirate something, watch/play it a few times and then buy it if you like when well done you! I bet there are many others who would just think, why bother buying it now when I've already got it for free?

As for the articles, there may well be some truth to their research but what next? Do we all just pirate everything because it's OK to do so? If you make the argument that piracy can be beneficial then it follows that more and more people will do it and this will hinder creativity.

Also, I understand the need to understand a game fully before you buy it but with Youtube, etc, you can get a very good idea of how a game plays nowadays without illegally copying it can't you?

Last edited by Mrrockitt; 10/07/14 10:31 AM.