Originally Posted by Omega_K2

It also seems some balance issues with the AI skills are there too, I don't see them using high level spells (or cetain spells) too often, which could be devastating (well, assuming you're not immune!) ... but often they just go melee you or shoot their staffes. Archer use their few elemental arrows but then stop and attack normally; don't seem to use the ranger talents either except for the multihit thing.

yes this is a big problem, enemies skills are laughable, while i can nearly 1 shot them with a spell they can do like 10 15% dmg


Another problem would be that the AI battles/encounters are predictable. They have the same skills and the same setup every time (it seems anyway), so to get become more unrepedictable would also be to add the ability call reinforcements (they shouldn't give EXP though for balance) [on hard this might occur more often for example], so the encounters get some more randomness too.
Another set of unpredictability is to have some of the enemies in preset groups like melee that choose a random melee type enemy (different skills) or have their skill sets a bit randomized, it means the encounters would play a little diffrently every time (and in addition this would add to replay value).

good point, every party is 1 2 mages, 1 2 archers, rest randomly melee without interesting skills

you just start cc/shot the ranged while you tank/kite the melee
or aoe all of them if they are close
then teleport the closest melee into them for another aoe and dont get 1 dmg in whole fight often

this is boring


Maybe also offer more difficulty options beyond hard.

yeah but with important changes
ok ai is long and hard to improve i know
but to make enemies strong you cant just add some hp or dmg, it wont change anything
you have to add them skills that change the teamfights, and most of all way to not get CCed or to remove it, high resistences and such