Originally Posted by Hiver
You two shouldn't represent your own personal devolved superficial thinking as truths.

Nor you should speak for other people, using strawman arguments to bolster your nonsense arguments.

Nothing in my argument was a strawman. It was addressed to specific points the OP brought up.

Originally Posted by Hiver
Neither of those things are tedious or clunky.

Says you? I find it tremendously tedious and clunky.

Originally Posted by Hiver
They are such only to you - personally. That you have the right to think does not actually mean whatever you think is therefore valuable or true.

I've never said my opinions were anything other than my own.

Originally Posted by Hiver
This is not about any kind of superficial notion of "charm" either. You only leaped to grab onto that term because it diminishes the actual role of these things into some sort of personal preference and implied nostalgia - which is all crap you want to push in as relevant.

I never leaped to the notion of charm. Another poster did.

Originally Posted by Hiver
Since this is a single player game I see no reason not to allow a player to experience the game as they wish within certain constraints (I.E. the game becomes so easy as to eliminate any challenge or sense of discovery whatsoever).

Where in this sentence is the internal coherence and consistency of the setting, the story, the game and its specific gameplay? Where is the importance of the world and characters in it compared to those cheap metagaming desires of two spoiled, devolved lard-asses?

Nothing in that sentence has anything to do with internal consistency of the setting, story, etc. To imply otherwise would suggest you didn't understand the point. If you want to make the point that it would disrupt such consistency, do so.

Originally Posted by Hiver
How does one character identify items others are holding exactly?

He turns his gaze over to the item the character is holding.

Originally Posted by Hiver
How does one character fixes all items at once?

Does it matter? You'll be fixing all the items eventually anyway.

Originally Posted by Hiver
And how the fact it would be an "option" doesnt detract from the structure as it is now and effect it has on players view and relation to the game world?

It is a simple change that eliminates a lot of tedious clicking.

Originally Posted by Hiver
Doesnt matter, right? BECAUSE YOU SAY SO! Lets just push the whole party into a blender and remove any individuality from any of them, because some joebart says thats better and not so laborious. And because some biodrone who thinks ass deffect 3 is a great game - great - not good, not even ok, (and that would be a laughable, extreme karma destroying thing to say) but GREAT RPG no less - would think this would be less "tedious and laborious" to him personally and his opinion is great because he can think.

I don't see what this has to do with party individuality. That individuality is accomplished by how you develop and role play your character.

I've never played "ass deffect 3" but find it interesting such a title very much piqued your interest.

Additionally, I never said my opinions were great. I simply said these options would remove some of the tedium, especially after playing the game for many hours.

Originally Posted by Hiver
Its not enough that such psychological failures distorted a whole genre into a flood of always the bloody same games, but you need to come here and turn it into that same crap. Bit by bit. Not because youre evil... but because you are just that limited and ignorant.

I don't really see this game as a significant departure from Baldurs Gate, Fallout, etc. In essence it is very similar. I also fail to see how any of my suggestions make me limited or ignorant. Ignorant would be me being unaware these possibilities exist. Limited would suggest I can't think outside the context of the game, or have any thought whatsoever as to what could make the game better.

Originally Posted by Hiver
Quality of life improvements? What the flying fuck do you mean by that?
Whose life?
What quality? How is that an improvement of anything and why should anyone care what you just "think" about any of that nonsense?

You clearly don't understand the meaning of "quality of life improvements" within the context of the gaming world. A better term perhaps would be ease of use.

Originally Posted by Hiver
What "options" does any of this "give" ? Option to you to get your way?

It clearly gives the player the option to repair/identify all items.

Originally Posted by Hiver
Is there anything at all behind those declaratory empty statements except vacuum of your heads?

Indeed there is.

Originally Posted by Hiver
btw, there is no chance in hell that you will get most of those wishes, especially 19 and 20, any time soon, if ever. Because the game is done. Its finished. You will only get patches, fixes and smaller corrections.

Nothing of any kind of bigger additions that would completely change the structure of leveling of different areas and the game scope.

The only way to see such additions now is through mods.

It was simply a list of suggestions from the poster that he thought could improve the game. And I'm sure there will be some folks who mod this into the game. If the developers happen to patch in some of these suggestions that would be great as well.

Last edited by JoeBart; 10/07/14 01:32 PM.