a few things for joebart inanity that are too long to just leave open:
Originally Posted by JoeBart

Nothing in my argument was a strawman. It was addressed to specific points the OP brought up.

You both claim that many people find these features tedious and clunky while thats only your own personal opinion - therefore you use strawman arguments.

Not to mention that splurge in your firts post talking to me, accusing me of various inane things.

Originally Posted by JoeBart

Originally Posted by Hiver
Neither of those things are tedious or clunky.

Says you? I find it tremendously tedious and clunky.

Yes, says me and yes - you find them such - which does not mean they are such.

Anyone with modicum of intelligence and reasonable thought would be able to understand the difference between these tow concepts.

I even explained why these features are neither clunky nor tedious and what is their real purpose and how and why they fit in the game design.

You on the other hand can only repeat empty declarative statements like a mindless parrot thinking that having a personal opinion about something makes that a fact.

Originally Posted by JoeBart

Originally Posted by Hiver
They are such only to you - personally. That you have the right to think does not actually mean whatever you think is therefore valuable or true.

I've never said my opinions were anything other than my own.

For the fifth or sixth time, nobody is saying you should not have your own opinions. I AM BLOODY SAYING that just because you have an opinion - it does not mean a feature of the game is actually, really clunky or tedious. Even IF it seems as such to you.


Originally Posted by Hiver
Since this is a single player game I see no reason not to allow a player to experience the game as they wish within certain constraints (I.E. the game becomes so easy as to eliminate any challenge or sense of discovery whatsoever).

Where in this sentence is the internal coherence and consistency of the setting, the story, the game and its specific gameplay? Where is the importance of the world and characters in it compared to those cheap metagaming desires of two spoiled, devolved lard-asses?

Nothing in that sentence has anything to do with internal consistency of the setting, story, etc.

ouch rolleyes



To imply otherwise would suggest you didn't understand the point. If you want to make the point that it would disrupt such consistency, do so.

... jesus f...
The point is that you did not mention or took in regard the most important features of the game in that post of yours, instead declaring that everything in the game can be changed to suit whatever any player wants so he can "experience the game" as he wishes as long as it doesnt make the game too easy or removes sense of "discovery" and i would rather not even hear what someone like you thinks difficulty or discovery means or should be.

By omitting to even mention, let alone regard the actual core values and features of a game, you directly revealed that you dont think those are important, or that they are secondary and tertiary to retarded notion of players entitlement to "fun and entertainment" - which is something you repeatedly expressed in other threads.


He turns his gaze over to the item the character is holding.

Are you that stupid and superficial?
First, item is in the inventory of the other character. Second, identification is not some sort of telepathic magical stunt.


Does it matter? You'll be fixing all the items eventually anyway.

Yes it matters and i told you why already which just means you are not capable of understanding simple sentences as long as they dont align with your internal desires or just intentionally refuse to read what im saying before replying to me based on that same motivation.

Originally Posted by Hiver
And how the fact it would be an "option" doesnt detract from the structure as it is now and effect it has on players view and relation to the game world?

It is a simple change that eliminates a lot of tedious clicking.

Which doesnt answer my question at all but simply refuses to address it and just repeats the same pointless one liner.


I don't see what this has to do with party individuality. That individuality is accomplished by how you develop and role play your character.

Of course, you answer that as expected, with that repeating superficial simplification so common for your type of mass market player.

You simply dont see and dont want to see how any feature fits with the whole - based on whether it conforms with your superficial desires and notions.

I've never played "ass deffect 3" but find it interesting such a title very much piqued your interest.

Its also called a mass defect, you should try it because its designed specifically for you.

Its story doesnt make any sense at all, it goes directly against cores of the setting established in previous games and it even retcones itself and previous sequels along the way, without ever explaining how or why any of that happens as it does.

In return it has a lot of cutscenes and forceful extreme emotional engagement that even soap operas surpass in complexity and depth, plus some really badly made 3d models having vidya gaem secx!!

And you can do it with whoever and whatever you want because liek its opinions man!!

the gameplay is complete shit so it should be perfect for you too. Just brainless action with some fake RPG features that have been streamlined into comatose drooling.


Additionally, I never said my opinions were great. I simply said these options would remove some of the tedium, especially after playing the game for many hours.

And you just repeat that same line over and over.
There is no tedium.

Your opinion does not count as a fact.


I don't really see this game as a significant departure from Baldurs Gate, Fallout, etc. In essence it is very similar.

So? Am i supposed to guess what does that idea have with anything here?

I also fail to see how any of my suggestions make me limited or ignorant.
If you could see that then you wouldnt be limited or so ignorant.

Ignorant would be me being unaware these possibilities exist. Limited would suggest I can't think outside the context of the game, or have any thought whatsoever as to what could make the game better.

No, it means that you cannot see outside of that crude box of ease of use (quality of "life hahaha ) features in your head and you will try to distort any game to fit that constricted selfish mold.


You clearly don't understand the meaning of "quality of life improvements" within the context of the gaming world. A better term perhaps would be ease of use.

Clearly, right? Just because you think so.

No, i find it especially hilarious attempt to bolster superficiality in a very fake way.

Originally Posted by Hiver
Is there anything at all behind those declaratory empty statements except vacuum of your heads?

Indeed there is.


Oh, you mean thats all? You just say indeed there is and ... thats it?



It was simply a list of suggestions from the poster that he thought could improve the game. And I'm sure there will be some folks who mod this into the game. If the developers happen to patch in some of these suggestions that would be great as well.

And i simply replied to that list with my simple answers.

You could have left it at that but of course you cannot stop yourself from reacting without thought or logic or real capability to understand what you are reacting too.

How about you dont address me and never again start screaming at my posts and just stick to the knowledge i have you on ignore for these specific reasons - which doesnt mean i will never read anything you say but that i dont want to see your posts talking to me at all and im willing to let you do whatever you want (more or less) as long as you dont address me with your simpleton strawmans and ad hominems?

Didnt you get that the last time?

Originally Posted by Tanist

What this game really needs is an in-game notebook.

Yeah... that is it... how about a book that just allows you to put notes in. Nothing special, just a simple text input system. That way I could type in the date, the person I spoke with and some basic hints/facts I got from their conversation.

Heck, I would even like that better than them giving access to the full dialogue in the entire game.

That was already asked - requested. But maybe the devs havent noticed it in all the fuss and hubbub of impending release and tonns of work they had in the last few months of alpha and beta stages.

I would like that too, of course. I can hardly imagine anyone who wouldnt... ahem...

So maybe we could ask a bit more strongly again.
After all its just a small text editor... how hard could that be? Right?