As I said, the problem with the encounter in Hiberheim is that you can meet it hours before you even know about Tenebrium or rot for the first time. I don't know what is enjoyable or "hardcore" to be forced to constantly heal a character for no apparent reason...

How do you even get to hiberheim without coming to Silverglen and there getting all the info about tenebrium and rot?
I certainly didnt see any way but to Silverglen once i left Cysael.

If on the other hand someone willingly and intentionally doesnt go to Silverglen which is where the main quest and story tells you to go, but instead turns away, takes another fork and gets to Hiberheim - then its their own bloody fault. C&C - suck it up kind of a deal.

To alleviate the problem of not even knowing what the heck is going on - a bit of appropriate info can be easily implanted in that section in various ways, to point to you that its something called Tenebrium and that the problem started in that place Silverglen, for example.

Instead of removing that whole option. Biodrone.


It's one thing to have a super hardcore attitude but another thing to make a game really frustrating for people who find out after perhaps 10 hours of playing that they lost an item they needed for quest.

How the hell do you even loose quest items?

Ive told you already you cannot sell them, which is something you should know by now seeing how many hours youve spent into the game.

So its nothing more then personal stupidity that you wish to remove by disabling even the option of dropping quest items... ?

So you would fix stupid with stupid?

And then i would have to lug around all those items because you might accidentally drop them?

Are you insane?