Originally Posted by Aspar
You mention you don't base your assumptions on real life and history (and as a matter of fact DW was used in Japan and is a style developed by one of their greatest swordsmen in the mid ages), but then you assume that DW is less effective.

Because if it was effective it would have seen widespread use beyond it's entertainment purpose which was dueling, which is what it was used for, not combat, showmanship.

Originally Posted by Aspar
Why? On what do you base that in a fictional universe?

Because the only instance of dual wielding in Divinity Original Sin I could find, that is justifiable, if in the art book, where two goblins, in an armored suit are quad wielding. Which backs up my claim rather nicely, because we know goblins are stupid, I mean you'd have to be, to actually dual wield in a combat situation.

Originally Posted by Aspar
If in our real combat situations in the middle ages when wars were waged with swords mainly...

Haha, surely you mean spears, swords were always a backup weapon.
Originally Posted by Aspar
...it was less effective, what makes you think it should be the same in this DOS fictional world?

Because the humans that we're playing as have the exact same muscle and body structure and the weapons follow nearly the exact same proportions (slightly bigger, which just furthers my case) as their real world counterparts, which inspired them. Thus it would be silly for these exact same humans, to do something, which is factually inferior to something else, which is also easier. Again, if we're gonna have dual wielding, why not be able to wear shields on our faces?

Originally Posted by Aspar
It could be just a different style that people would want to use for fun in this game. Why would it be gimping or less effective or whatever you want to call it.

Like I said, I have nothing against it being included in games, but I do have a lot against shoehorning in stupid things, after the fact, just to appease edgy teenagers. The breath of fresh air that is a game which doesn't include dual wielding is always a nice thing, plus it adds to the verisimilitude. I'd be fine with a parrying dagger or Rondel, used in a defensive way, because that works, it makes some sense as opposed to wielding two swords of the same size and weight and attacking with both. Yeah, that was done in history, by entertainers, duelists, not by soldiers during combat.
Originally Posted by Aspar
It could be not more not less effective overall than other styles, just different way to play the game as a melee.

Well, like I said, a defensive use would be fine, in fact I'm pretty sure someone can go into the editor and just make a bunch of items based on shields, which use knife meshes and there you go.