Joined: Jun 2014
Good to see positive reviews, especially for a turn based isometric RPG. But Larian needs to patch the shit out of this, add new DLC and call it enhanced edition. CDPR has shown the value in a second release. Oh we could only hope for an enhanced edition with the day night cycle stuff.
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Joined: Dec 2013
Good to see positive reviews, especially for a turn based isometric RPG. But Larian needs to patch the shit out of this, add new DLC and call it enhanced edition. CDPR has shown the value in a second release. For this kind of game I think they'll get more mileage by polishing up and supporting the editor. I'd say wrapping the toolkit up is the only thing that is really needed besides the patch that will be coming soon with companion AI, etc.
Joined: Sep 2009
Good to see positive reviews, especially for a turn based isometric RPG. But Larian needs to patch the shit out of this, add new DLC and call it enhanced edition. CDPR has shown the value in a second release. For this kind of game I think they'll get more mileage by polishing up and supporting the editor. I'd say wrapping the toolkit up is the only thing that is really needed besides the patch that will be coming soon with companion AI, etc. There are some balance changes all round to be done aswell. Dificulty gets realy funky after level 10 or so, normal mode dificulty kinda gets into easy mode and the game seems to artificialy try to counter this by adding artificialy created miss rates for melee and pets wich seems weird. Dificulty should be ramped up through increased enemy HP/damage output not funky behind-the-scene math calculations. There are aswell some UI changes that would go a long way to make the game more accessible to people with less patience, but still maintain the "hard-core" feeling for veterans - there are numerous sugestions already on the forums, mainly on inventory and journal UI. Also, the "gigantic/endless/watever" hardcore dungeon that was promissed in KS would go a long way to create a new flavor for the game that is already quite rich. Day/night cycles i understand it's way too big of a change to make it a patch or even a DLC and quite honestly it would introduce too many changes to the game that already works realy way the way it is now. Also it's realy needed more variety in the companions. Only being able to pick the same 2 realy cuts on the replayability of the game. In a game so vast and "open ended" as D:OS it's realy weird we can only pick the same 2 companions in the entire world, it feels like a cutted feature (yes i know you can pick more, but they are just dummies with no lore/background story - not the same. Surely larian will add more. All in all, one big patch is needed to add more companions (with their story/lore ofc), new AI personalities, balance fixes at end-game and probably a few in the starting 3 levels (to make it easier for entry-level newbies), some UI improvements and toolkit easy-to-use changes. After that, i'm all for new adventures and DLC, even an expansion. Larian please take my money, i dare you 
Last edited by KnightPT; 10/07/14 01:05 PM.
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Joined: Mar 2014
Yo! Don't forget the Dew! And the swag? The food? The hotel rooms, sacks, drinks, hot booth babes calling you mr. Senior Editor SIR! Howl!
Joined: Jul 2014
Hi Lou,
First off thanks for responding. Let me clarify what I meant with that I don't quite agree with some of this review. I wasn't saying that your score is wrong or that it's a bad review. I was more mentioning that there were a couple of things in the review I didn't agree with as a personal opinion.
Here some points I wouldn't agree with:
"Divinity: Original Sin, isn?t a visually stunning game; the title is mostly played from a zoomed out perspective and as such, there isn?t any extreme levels of detail on the world?s objects. The game?s environments, while lacking in extensive detail, are brought to life by the many interactive objects on screen. While the game?s bright visuals and saturated color pallet might not appeal to everyone, it strongly encourages exploration of the world which befits the game?s adventurous tone. Just don?t expect to see any awe inspiring landscapes.." I love the vibrant colors of the game and really enjoy the art style as such the visuals for me are pretty good. Also if you read allot of other reviewers you'll find that the majority laud the graphics taking into consideration this is a CRPG and probably the best looking CRPG up to date. Also I'm not quite sure why objects being movable is a criteria for visuals? I didn't see any mention of the artwork, spell effects or simply "completeness of the environment" (wildlife, cutlery on tables etc etc)which adds to immersion. If you compare visuals to Skyrim or Witcher 3 etc yes the graphics aren't that good, but compare it to other similar games "BG revision, Wasteland, etc" they are better than anything out there.
"There are 11 different starting classes to choose from and their diversity adds a lot of depth to the gameplay. There are straight-forward classes like the melee powerhouse fighters, specialist classes in certain elements like the wizard and then there are hybrid classes like the healing warrior clerics. The variety of classes lends Divinity: Original Sin great replayability and diversity as a whole. These classes are customizable by adding points to their attributes, skills and abilities, all of which have a profound effect on the gameplay both in and outside of combat."
Actually there are no classes in D:OS, if you look a little deeper into your character creation as well you are completely free to chose whatever starting skills,stats and abilities as well as spells.
"Divinity: Original Sin also has a robust crafting system where players can collect materials scattered around the world or dropped by monsters which can then be used to craft new items. However, unlocking item crafting can only be achieved by locating the many crafting recipes scattered across the world, encouraging exploration and interactivity between players and the many npcs and objects in the world."
As far as I know you don't need recipes to craft, they are simply there to help you find the available combinations.
"The game does have its fair share of bugs, and this has lead to a infrequent number of game crashes and resets. The most prevalent encounter of one I experienced was within one of the game?s many loading screens upon the transition between areas within the game."
I've personally not crashed once, I know Larian had an issue on release day but that was fixed in a day or two with patches. Not quite sure what "fair share of bugs" means there's no clarification and feels more like something thrown in the review without evidence to back it up.
So as I said, overall I like the review and it does a good job and you can clearly tell the reviewer enjoyed the combat element of the game. So please don't take this as too harsh a criticism, but I thought I'd give some color to my statement of not quite agreeing with everything.
Those are all great points; I can't say whether I agree or not, all I know is D:OS is on my shortlist of backlogged games -- it looks spectacular and the vibrant community is helping me shift it further up. Either way, I'm glad you took the time to read through the story; your points seem like stuff I would agree with you on [maybe I'll put out a second opinion after I've sunken my teeth into it!] Yo! Don't forget the Dew! And the swag? The food? The hotel rooms, sacks, drinks, hot booth babes calling you mr. Senior Editor SIR! Howl! You'd be surprised, it is mostly just late nights playing games and balancing my other job in a non-air conditioned room. If anyone wants to pay for my flights to LA, I'll make sure to grab some of the swag/babes for you -- until then, our team is based in Lawrence, KS. We are still waiting for PAX Bumblefuck to be announced, catering to the mid-America crowd! lol P.S. Do the Dew
Last edited by Lou Contaldi; 10/07/14 03:57 PM.
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Joined: Mar 2014
You gotta work your way up man.
More global recommendations for Activision, Zenimax, EA and other big publishing companies is the ticket to the Dorito mountain heights.
Mind you, Original Sin has its issues and i dont particularly care to see any gushing reviews, nor do i particularly care for the whole "gaming media" in any way except pure hatred. Its a ... thing,... thats distorted from a way back and wont be corrected any time soon.
I do reserve the right to yank your chain as one of the representatives of the mentioned ... thing... purely on matters of principle.
Non-air conditioned room? Is that supposed to make me feel any pity? I never had any my whole life. When i work i work for days or months on end in any weather. plus - There are much worse places then middle America on this Earth buddy... even Kansas.
Dont take it personally, i just hate and despise that whole parasitic mindless "industry" in general. Not your fault. I know.
Joined: Nov 2010
Hi Lou,
Showing up and commenting I think is great because it helps us understand your view a bit better so that's very much appreciated. From my perspective I'd recommend taking a second look at it and sinking your teeth into it a bit deeper. Play it with someone you know (I'm playing with my wife) and it adds so much to the experience.
Also you probably don't want to have a review out there which has "incorrect" information in it.
Again I'm not asking your to give it a higher score, in my opinion anything between 80 up is pretty much in the sweet zone of what this game deserves. Like every game it has some shortcomings and places of improvement such as inventory management, some UI things (pass turn) to name some basic ones.
So I hope you get that chance to play it again and enjoy it as much as most of us. Also you may get some interesting insights about Larian from Sven's blog and I can only recommend reading it to give you a little flavor about the company who made this game. Or visit the Kickstarter page and look at the comments/updates there and it'll give you an idea what a fantastic experience it's been for us Kickstarters and why we passionately believe in Larian as a company who has the best interest of us gamers in mind.
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Joined: Dec 2013
Joystiq will be running a twitch stream later today.
Joined: Apr 2013
Last edited by LordCrash; 10/07/14 06:25 PM.
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Joined: Dec 2013
So painful to watch this.
Joined: Apr 2013
So painful to watch this. Why, what happened?
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Joined: Dec 2013
They just had a very minimal grasp of the game and the genre in general so I found myself yelling at the screen a lot.  Still, I'm sure it was useful to some people and it helps to see what someone without much background with the game encounters when diving into it headfirst.
Joined: Apr 2013
They just had a very minimal grasp of the game and the genre in general so I found myself yelling at the screen a lot.  Still, I'm sure it was useful to some people and it helps to see what someone without much background with the game encounters when diving into it headfirst. Well, I think there are many people who could possibly love D:OS out there who have not played the isometric RPGs from 15-20 years ago so far... 
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Joined: Dec 2013
So do I. I was just worried that seeing those guys bail out of a fight that they should have won because it was "too hard" might turn them off. 
Joined: Sep 2009
Another good review, same negative points as most : clunky inventory system and quest journal lack of info... I might agree to the inventory but quest journal tips seems going to handhold players more so i dont want that realy...
Joined: Nov 2010
Wow, that's.... amazing... D:OS just beat everything out there in popularity if this site is to be believed.... http://www.gamerankings.com/Most Popular 1. Divinity: Original Sin (PC) 89.00% Score based on 7 reviews 2. Watch Dogs (PS4) 81.26% 3. Mario Kart 8 (WIIU) 88.52% 4. Tomodachi Life (3DS) 71.98% 5. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn (PS3) 71.64% 6. Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (PS4) 86.08% 7. Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition (PS3) 86.44% 8. EA Sports UFC (PS4) 69.58% 9. Dark Souls II (PC) 88.30% 10. Watch Dogs (PC) 75.87%
Joined: Nov 2010
Last edited by Garod; 11/07/14 05:23 AM.
Joined: Jun 2014
Remember to report CriticoDubioso's user review on meta-critic. He's a confirmed troll who gives 10's to game such as CoD Ghosts and TheWarZ. I want people to report this review, because it drags down the user score, while being illigitamate, allow me to quote a portion of it too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too boring too borin
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian