Originally Posted by LordCrash
Why do you still address me? I don't read your posts anymore, you are on my ignore list. You could spare yourself the time and effort.
Because your false mass market propaganda must be exposed for what it is and your fallacies dismantled with facts, logic and truth.

As well as lies, strawmans and ad hominems of others supporting your ideas while refusing to think objectively.

Im not really talking to you.

Originally Posted by Songbird
Oh thanks Hiver for explaining that. smile
But yeah that seems like the attitude of some people here,

Yeah... tends to happen in places like this a lot. Arguments from ignorance and wishing well dont mix nicely.

But its also relative, in a sense that we all understand it isnt exactly "easy" but that devs are capable of doing it - if they really wanted to. The question is can they, do they have time and money and most importantly - what any specific feature would do to the game.

Then you have two basic groups or lines of thought.

For mass market drones the biggest importance is their own selfish sense of entitlement to "fun and entertainment" regardless of what that actually means. That tops everything else and is one of the main reasons for ages of decline of RPGs.

And the other that is actually trying to look from the angle of "what is best for the game" from internal gameplay, setting, gameworld point of view.