Here we go again people...
I'm not going to quote the huge blocks of text or this post will be even larger, just put next to it...

1. Again; which quest actually doesn't give enough info in the log. I find none. As said; short, to the point. That's how a journal should be.

Planting the entire convo in it doesn't quite solve that. Also, storing all convo's will quickly reduce it to an unordered gigantic pile to search for what you want. You think the 'all' inventory is bad, it will be thousand times worse.

3. I wouldn't mind making it harder, like for example taking those gear bonusses away you mentioned.

4. I would say no need for "de-linking" the sneaking character just moves on it's own linked or unlinked. Manually having to relink constantly is annoying.

5. So why do we need shared gold then if the PCs just keep the gold between themselves? It's not that hard to do, right?

6. I scroll, click done... and seeing Steam say 80 hours (+like 7 or so at Larian) I meet your criteria!

7. Aside from knifes not appearing on ingredients, what major other items are there where cross-tab needs to be done (so all). Keys + soap? Keys don't even APPEAR on all. So which combo's need it that critically that all is super-organised rather than having access to all you need in the tabs?
The objection is that your solution simply ignores the already convient sub-tabs, so why should we ignore those again and organise our entire inventory in "all"?

9. Let's see... "Hey, reveal scroll for evil villain lair"... "Yeah, that's useless, let's drop it"
That... is NOT Intelligence. Only people with bugs can actually complain there, not people who were too stupid to simply discard it.
Also, if you read my post history or just look aroud you see I help many people who have questions... so I'm not sure what the rants aimed at.

12. I do hate "Epic" nowadays with the overuse of the term regarding modern RPG's. And AFAIK bosses do drop a lot of stuff, usually higher quality. How does lowering other drops and raising boss drops help. Answer; not at all. So yes, I don't support it.

13. It doesn't force players to do anything. If however players have an utmost desire to waste their time reloading 100 times, it doesn't punish them either. I don't exactly see bad gameplay with that. As long as it doesn't *force* you upon degenerate gameplay it's good...

15. Then you seem one of the few, since Silverglenn you visit pretty much instantly after Cyseal as far as I noticed. And it's all Black Rock Tenebrium and Rot what NPC's tell you.

16. I am not being hostile. I just said that was a bugfix, not a suggestion, so there was nothing for me to say about it. Seriously. If you view that as critism I have no idea *what* to tell you...

17. Not really. Also the BG2 journal was all plumped together, making finding quests you did pick up rather hard. It didn't have the fine split per quests this game has. Making it far easier to navigate. So no, BG2 didn't have a better more convient journal.
Well, aside from the technical issues that has now (translations) it's exactly what I said before... it makes people expect the game to tell them stuff rather than explore themselves. And thus they wont learn. It's better to have that explained already in Cyseal than that they find out when a skeleton bashes their skull in, cause I can guarantee you that more "new" people would then cry out here in the forums since it was so unexpected with all the handholding before that.

19. Everyone complaining that they get beaten into a bloody pulp by enemies far above their level as soon as they leave Cyseal disagree with you. I do agree having some powerful beings early that you just had to return too would be great. But with the complains off hard-corism already probably too early. Hopefully around the time of Pillars of Eternity.
So yeah, I would agree with you there, but it's just the question if it was in how many more people would get totally bonkers than they already do...